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Bolivian President Apologizes for Kneeing Soccer Opponent in Groin

CNN: "It was the soccer foul seen round the world -- a knee to an opponent's groin.

It didn't earn a red card and a sending off for Bolivian President Evo Morales, but it was caught on video and -- and this viral world of Youtube -- got him a lot of unwanted attention."

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EatSleepPlay4999d ago

It's just like saying sorry after killing some1

elcompa4254999d ago

This guy has some nerve.....ridiculous though, a man of his "Stature" shouldn't be dicking around like this. bahaha

SelecaoSupporter4999d ago

I like how his justification was "I knew I shouldn't have kneed that man in the groin...because it was a trap."

elcompa4254998d ago

Yeah...the dude is a's not the first time he's been in the news for acting like a noob...