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Top 10 Transfer U-Turns

Ewan Mcdonald Writes : In honour of Wayne Rooney's decision not to move from Manchester United, here we examine those other players who didn't transfer when the stage seemed set. But unlike Rooney's, some of these aborted moves were not down to the player's choice, but rather economic factors, fans' voices, or even a more tempting offer from elsewhere...

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karim4969d ago

Gerrard and Robinho to Chelsea ?

EatSleepPlay4969d ago

they forgot ronaldinho to man united

karim4969d ago

and he almost went to real madrid

guigsy4969d ago

Man Utd went through a period where we just wouldn't offer big money, which cost us players like Ronaldinho and Robben. This was before the Glazers took over as well!