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Highlights: Arsenal 0-0 Sunderland (English Premier League 5.3.11)

No goals but still a lot of highlights.

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zootang4848d ago

Another trophy less year for Arsenal. No point in Chelsea beating Manchester United if Arsenal can't capitalise on it.

In Sir Alex I Trust.

no_more_heroes4848d ago

I don't even care that Arshavin's goal was on-side, or that we should have got a late penalty. I'm far too annoyed at the piss poor performance. AGAIN!

kulka4848d ago

Poor Arsenal performance they could have reduced distance on United but again failed to capitalise It's now United who have the title to lose

KonohagakureFC4848d ago

Ok they did play very poorly but still those decisions were terrible.. whats up with all the refs recently

kulka4848d ago

Their primary focus was banning the snood's Video technology is not needed according to the football association

xtremegamerage4847d ago

Arsenal were poor in the first half, but second half they did play alot better.

1 goal that was onside.
1 penalty that was not given.

And their goalie made some some very good saves.

But yes, they miss, fab and persie.

Plus, wenger needs another striker(goal getter,wright style) and a very strong defender.

Considering the amount of games left, still a long way to go.

Come on liverpool.

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