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Kaka's mother hints at London move

The mother of Real Madrid midfielder Kaka has opened up debate over her son's future, by claiming on her Twitter account that they will be in London in August.

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zootang4776d ago

Looks like Ancelotti will be staying then.

In Sir Alex I Trust, United We Stand!

Sahil4777d ago

Chlesea looks like his likely destination and how bout Lampard going the other way.

krazykombatant4776d ago

Let's hope lampard doesn't come over. He can stay over there, I think hes aging. and I don't think hes worth 40 mil.


Well she says ‘We are going to be in London next season where we will be preaching the word of God.'
Maybe their opening a church together. Who knows.

Mozilla894776d ago

I was thinking something similar, I'm not sure if he's actually going to move to Chelsea. We should be looking to get younger and Kaka isn't too much younger than our other players.

zeddy4776d ago

kaka has lost most of his pace, if chelsea get him it will be another shevchenko all over again.