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Busquets cleared to play in Champions League final after being cleared of alleged racial remark

The Spanish midfielder will be eligible to play against Manchester United at Wembley on May 28 after Uefa dropped the charges relating to his side's clash with Real Madrid.

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As much as I don't care if Busquets play in the final or not, this was a chance for UEFA to really sort out one of the biggest cheating pricks in world football. A 5 game match ban would have made him think twice before doing any of his dirty tactics in matches again.
Now that he's got away with it, I just get the feeling he won't change his ways. Well done UEFA.

Mozilla894771d ago

I agree about him being a cheating prick but this was for racial remarks and if he didn't make an racial comments then it wouldn't really be fair to suspend him. All the same I hope Rooney pulls one of his stunts and elbows him in the face and give him something real to go to the ground about.


Yeah from the video evidence I've seen, I can't really tell exactly what Busquets was saying to Marcelo, but I so badly want to see him punished. I just can't understand why UEFA and FIFA don't take actions against players who cheat. Diving is pretty much becoming acceptable today in football.

DavidLuiz44771d ago

" Its A Fucking Disgrace "

Big-Boss4770d ago

just like your defending skills

DavidLuiz44769d ago

Hahaha, I want know who you go for ? whos your main player and team? just answer that