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'Anybody who does not want to play for Manchester United would be insane' - Maarten Stekelenburg

Ajax goalkeeper, a rumoured replacement for Edwin van der Sar, reveals he has received no offers from the Premier League champions but will consider his future over the summer.

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Stekelenburg you do not understand the rivalry that goes on in the Premier League.

The Hunter4776d ago (Edited 4776d ago )

This is not about rivalry, he means everybody who get the chance to play for a bigger club is insane.. Manchester United is ATM a bigger club then Ajax, u understand?

Stekelenburg is a wise guy and knows what he is talking about! He have a same personality as Van der Sar, but you will discover when he come to the PL!


Well he says “Anybody who does not want to play for Manchester United would be insane.”
I assumed he was only talking about United but if he means a bigger club, than yes I understand what he means, every player dreams of playing for a big club.
Btw I haven't seen much of Stekelenburg, do you think he is good enough to replace Van Der Sar? I know he is Holland's No 1 now, how is he doing?

The Hunter4775d ago (Edited 4775d ago )

He doing great! Especially the last 2 seasons.. Unfurnanatylly he is injured the last 1 a 2 month because he have broken vinger, but he won still the best Ajax player of the season award! I like to share some video's :)



He's brilliant, and he's huge. If the rumours are true than he would make a worthy replacement for Van Der Sar.

zootang4775d ago

3 Champions League finals in 4 years. Who wouldn't want that!

In Sir Alex I Trust, United We Stand!

sokrates4775d ago

United happens to be at least top 2 in europe at the moment.. Of course, a player that gets the chance to play there, would!

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karim4776d ago

LOL @ Stekelenburg ; No one wants him in the PL but forcing a move now if United don't want him he'll go and try arsenal...

The Hunter4775d ago (Edited 4775d ago )
