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Is this the best soccer goal of the year?

The announcers are left in awe after Vancouver's Eric Hassli makes a difficult move look extremely easy.

Eric Hassli chipped the ball over the defender and ran around him to volley it into the far side of the net from the edge of the box. The match would end 2-2 and showed exactly why Vancouver made the largely unknown Frenchman their highest paid player.

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genocidegeneral2154749d ago

holy shit!
that was some goal!

Sahil4749d ago (Edited 4749d ago )

what did i just saw, can someone explain O_o HOLY CRAP!


I think you lot are a little overreacting, great goal yes but not in my top 5.

Anderson84748d ago

yea, definitely a worldy.. but i've seen alot better this year, wouldnt make my top 10, its been a good year for spectacular goals

johnsonbat4749d ago

Nice goal. I would have saved it though.

4748d ago Replies(2)
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