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Barcelona set to tempt Arsenal with new £31m Cesc Fabregas offer

Fàbregas is expected in Catalonia on holiday this week ahead of his scheduled return to training at Arsenal on July 5 and pre-season tour to Asia the following weekend. But, before then, Barcelona are likely to test Arsenal with a further bid of around £31 million for their captain.

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no_more_heroes4723d ago


this is getting old...

Sahil4723d ago

They shud sell him to barca.. we're all getting sick of this shit

jony_dols4722d ago

Barca think that they can bully Arsenal into selling him for below his price-tag.

If Man United have to pay out over £20m for Ashley Young & Liverpool splash £35m for Andy Carroll, two comparatively unproven players when compared to Arsenal's captain of 3 years, who has 5 years of Champions League football & a World Cup medal under his belt.

Barca should have to pay the Premier League market rate for a player of his calibre. £40+m

kulka4723d ago

the funniest thing is that Barca doesn't even need him he will be a bench warmer


I guess they see him as Xavi's replacement when he retires and at the age of 31, Xavi still has a good 4-5 years ahead of him so there really is no rush for Barca to get Fabregas now.

guigsy4723d ago

Problem is Xavi and Iniesta have had their fare share of injuries in recent seasons, they can't afford to lose them at the same time.

freeduck4723d ago

This is going to happen every summer until Arsenal accepts...

Anderson84722d ago

this deal wont happen for less than 40mil

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