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How do you solve a problem like Leo Messi?

As problem players go, Lionel Messi is not an obvious candidate. By common consensus the world’s best player, he is shy and softly spoken off the pitch and is more likely to be found playing on his PlayStation than tearing up the dance-floor in his local nightclub.

For fans of Argentina, however, he remains a frustrating enigma. World-beating for Barcelona, he is a different player in the sky blue and white of his country and his record of 17 goals in 62 internationals is a poor return for a man who scores goals in his sleep for Barca.

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Nes_Daze4621d ago

Messi just needs somebody else who does what others do for him in Barca. Argentina's offensive line is just full of players who just don't assist. Higuain doesn't do it, Del Maria niether, and Tevez sure as hell does not. People who whine and moan about him not scoring piss me off, they don't know anything about him or how a football team works.

KingPin4621d ago

and that is why messi will not leave barca. he knows where his bread is buttered. but a great player like him should also be able to adapt to different styles of play.

you cant expect Argentina to change their whole style of play to suit just one player. <even though that player is a match winner>

but you right, the Argentinian team aren't really a team. they all play individually and don't gel well.

arjman4621d ago

I'd expect them to change the team since Messi is the best in the world lol

Anderson84621d ago

they already tried to change the whole team for messi by switching to barca formation etc.. it didnt work

Nes_Daze4620d ago (Edited 4620d ago )

Changing their style? They have no team chemistry, they almost lost to Bolivia and had a hard time beating teams they would otherwise crush. That last thing they need to do is try to play like barca for Messi, what they need to do is improve their passing game, that's all.

Today they beat Chile, and Higuains first goal was an assist by Angel d maria, they need to do more of that, especially with a guy like Messi on their side.

Sahil4621d ago (Edited 4621d ago )

everyone else in the argentina team is the problem :) he just needs support from his teammates like the one he gets from barca teammates, it'll do wonders for argentina.

Jonnyquest3214621d ago

The fact is that he has the worlds best assisters with him at Barca, which undoubtedly makes him a better player. I reckon he'll go down as one of the best club players of all time, but never the greatest of all time simply because he isn't dragging an underdog team to the top, he is part of the worlds best team who consistently win things, of course he is a massive part of that but when you look to Argentina you can clearly see his influence wane without Xavi and Iniesta. I'm not old enough to remember Maradona but from what I hear, he single handedly won championships and World Cups with poor team mates

Big_Dom4621d ago

Maradona was in a poor Argentine team? Was he fuck. Half of the team played in Serie A, which at the time was the best league in the World. Maradona was just a stand-out individual in the side, but they were a great team.

Big_Dom4621d ago

It's simple: you build a team around a player like Messi. He currently spends more time looking for the ball than receiving it with Argentina.

Jonnyquest3214621d ago

Yes he won championships with poor team mates, and no his Argentine team mates were not poor, but they played like shit. He did it all, it's like saying England are a good team, they are a pretty poor team filled with individuals. It doesn't change the fact that he pretty much did it all himself

Big_Dom4621d ago

Fella, you're talking balls. I watched the Mexico World Cup and Italy after it. You can't win a World Cup with a poor team. Fact!