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The Most Controversial Goal Celebration Ever

Considering the high rate of execution-style murders attributed to Mexican drug cartels, pretending to cock a gun before shooting your team-mate in the head isn't the most sensitive of ways to celebrate kicking a pig's bladder into a net.

Playing in the Mexican Primera Division, Chivas midfielder Marco Fabian chose to mark his second goal of the game against Tecos last weekend in a particularly unsavoury manner, causing a media storm in Mexico. Chivas won the game 5-2, thanks to a hat-trick from the very player who's caused all the bother...

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Corepred44609d ago

Controversial if you're a big puss. Geez I hate the way people are today! What's the difference from a NFL player pretending the ball is a grenade? or MLB player 'blowing up' his team when they jump on home base?!

sdtarm4609d ago

the celebration is pretty fking stpid nonetheless

Theo11304609d ago

You guys are missing the point, Mexico is in the middle of a heated drug war, where people are executed daily. In fact, Salvador Cabanas was shot in the head by a drug lord in a club, luckily he survived.

Corepred44609d ago

No I get the point. I stand by what I said.

XboxInnovation4609d ago

If I was a Mexican and scored a goal, I'd celebrate by pretending to push a lawn mower around.