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Highlights: England 1-0 Spain (International Friendly - 12/11/11)

1-0 Lampard 49'

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buddymagoo4602d ago (Edited 4602d ago )

Boring football. Spain should have won. Now all the bozos will be out saying we can do anything.

Corepred44602d ago (Edited 4602d ago )

I never understood how people say they should have won. They didn't score more than the other team. NO, they shouldn't have won. That's why they lost. lol Spain is slacking off it seems.

Was that Casillas? Didn't look like him. Poor goal let in by the keeper.

buddymagoo4602d ago (Edited 4602d ago )

Switzerland beat Spain the same way world cup 2010. Nothing to be proud of unless we win a trophy for it. Friendlies are meant to be entertaining.

kane_lfc4602d ago

@Buddymagoo for once I agree with you.

ProjectVulcan4601d ago (Edited 4601d ago )

We criticise England too much sometimes. Spain put out very strong side, undisputably the best in the world, easily the best in europe. What did you really expect England to do? Roll over and let Spain win 5-0? Come out and think they are Barcelona and try to outplay the Spaniards?

England managed to beat them fair and square. It wasn't pretty, nobody was amazed by the performance, everyone saw spain were classier and on another level.

But they lost. Greece won the whole thing in 2004 doing this. Would i care much if England did the same? God no, although England do still have the attack and skill to outplay most sides.

No one should think this means too much for the Euros but it does at least show yes England can compete even against better sides, and you have to find different ways to beat different teams. There was no shame in the manner of victory last night against superior opposition!

Frankly it was smart, and if you believe England should turn up at 2012 and play open trying to outpass and outplay the best teams all the time then England will probably get destroyed. Nobody smart tries that tactic, you play to your strengths and NOT your opponents...

People should congratulate the team, consider it a good result considering the opposition regardless of it being a friendly, and give the guys a pat on the back for a the hard work.

Then they will go back to work and try to get better....


Beating Spain with England's B team is a great acheivement nonetheless. Yes Spain dominated but I was really impressed with the defence tonight and I'm sure England would have created more chances if their big players were playing (Rooney, Gerrard, Young,etc...)

I'm not gonna jump on the whole 'we gonna win the Euro's' bandwagon but lets take it 1 step at a time and show some support.

CaptainMarvelQ84601d ago

What defense? OH,right.You mean when the WHOLE TEAM was defending.That's not something to be proud about


As far as I can remember, England's defence has always sucked (remember the Germany game?) so to see them defend well against the world champions is something to be proud of.

And anyway its not like we had a choice with Bent up front on his own for the first half and then Welbeck on his own in the 2nd half. I'm just pleased with the performance especially since alot of big players were missing.

Jihaad_cpt4601d ago (Edited 4601d ago )

why should Spain have won, are you dumb Spain never took their chances and Eng;and did, Spain played better the first half, but couldnt even get the ball in Englands box...

Nes_Daze4602d ago

They should have won because they had more possession, they reached the other team's net more, they developed more scoring opportunities, etc. I can go on, should I? Things like this are a part of football, Argentina crushed Spain right after the world Cup of 2010, Mexico, an average team, tied with them right after the cup. England played horrible, they just took advantage of Spain's stubbornness. They wanted to play up the middle and got overwhelmed each time, hell when they started doing plays from the side they got closer.

Corepred44602d ago

Doesn't matter if they shot 100 times on goal, if England held the ball for a minute or whatever. Fact is they didn't score so they don't deserve to win. Should I go on?

Nes_Daze4602d ago (Edited 4602d ago )

You're confusing two different things. Before a match, you expect one team to win based on stats, numbers, reputation, etc. Spain has a world cup title on their back and just better players. They should have won, but didn't.. Expectations are different from outcomes. Just to make clear though, this does not take anything away from England, they won fairly.

Corepred44602d ago

No, I think you're thinking about it too much. You brought up stats from the match then you switch to expectations of a team beating the other. Pick one.

Nes_Daze4602d ago

And you are playing too much with words. If a team performs better on the pitch then they should win, if they don't, then that's that. But I guess we have different perceptions on idea behind it.

Jihaad_cpt4601d ago (Edited 4601d ago )

um having a million chances (and missing) chances does not win games! Goals do

zeddy4602d ago

we should play like this all the time. we cant keep the ball against most teams so why dont we just defend and counter attack. its boring but it works and im sure the fans wont mind either, we play shit anyway, why not play shit and win?

ngecenk4601d ago

this strategy wont work on a team like German where long range shooters are common.

guigsy4602d ago

Great win, we still aren't going to win the Euros.

kulka4602d ago

suprising result but it is only a friendly game they will have to play much better at the Eureos

Sahil4602d ago

much much much beter :)