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With 33 goals in 30 games, is RVP now on the same level as Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo?

The Dutchman continued his scintillating form in front of goal with a brace against Borussia Dortmund, and has embarked on a similar hot streak to that of the Spanish league stars

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freeduck4574d ago

Class player.
It will stop when he gets injured again.

krazykombatant4573d ago

Hes hot this season no doubt about it. Question is can he keep it up for the rest of this season and the future seasons. Thats what distinguishes players like CR7 and Messi.

Nes_Daze4573d ago

No he's not, maybe on CR's level if anything, but certainly not on Messi. However, this guy has been doing wonders for Arsenal, and he always scores a damn goal on me when I play against them on fifa 12 lol.

Corepred44573d ago

I don't understand how you can say on CR7's level but not Messi's level when CR7 has proven himself as a top class player wherever he plays (EPL, La Liga, International). Can't say the same for Messi.

Nes_Daze4573d ago

Messi is a more complex player than Ronaldo. His passing game annihilates that of Ronaldo, he's more of a team player and can both assist/create passes and score from passes made to him. What you're leading to is obviously his performance internationally. That is a different topic in itself because Argentina has low chemistry on its team. Also, I haven't seen CR do too much for Portugal either. There's a reason Messi has the golden ball and ronaldo the golden boot. Just my two cents, but that takes nothing away from VP, he's awesome.

Corepred44573d ago (Edited 4573d ago )

So EUFA gave a EUFAlona player an award, lol. Yes, Messi has better passing but thats because Ronaldo is pure striker. Most of the time he's looking for the shot or to finish. Complex player?! lol He's nothing without his midfield. More complex my a**. Really Ronaldo doesn't help Portugal? And you're giving Messi a pass because of chemistry?! lmao come on man. Both Argentina and Portugal have star players, I think Argentina has more though. But neither team have great chemistry.

And yes, RVP is an awesome player. If he stays healthy we'll see how far he can help take Arsenal. Thinking about getting his jersey.

Nes_Daze4573d ago (Edited 4573d ago )

If you think they're biased at picking the best player in the word that's you, but I don't know who else they would pick. Correction btw, Messi compliments his midfield, and vice versa. At Argentina he performs the role that Xavi has in Barca, that's why he's more complex and it's easier to compare Persie to Ronaldo. I'm not giving Messi a pass, but I'm not like some people who criticize him for not scoring on such team. Same can be said for Ronaldo, athough as you said, he's a pure striker.

sublIME2s4573d ago

LOL maybe on CR's level if anything but not on Messi ? Talking trash right there. CR7 is on the same level as Lionel Messi. On topic, he's doing well so far, but I wouldn't say he's on the same level as Messi or CR.

RedDevils4573d ago (Edited 4573d ago )

Messi Hasn't prove anything for me to consider better than CR, what have he done outside of Barca nothing! I tell you what a great player is, a great player is someone who can play in any systems and perform Great and be consistence at the highest level Ronaldo (Brazilian), Maradona and Zidane hell even CR all have prove it, but for Messi nope But don't get me Wrong, Messi is an awesome player, he fitt perfectly in Barca system, but he hasn't done anything impress me outside of Barca

Chidori4573d ago

Why does he need to? Barca is his home. That's where he's most comfortable and certainly that's where he's at his best. International football has been disappointing in general for a while now. Reason why Spain is able to dominate like this. There's no player out there that performs exceptionally well internationally, compared to his club performances atleast. NONE. Ronaldo has done well at United, yeah, but that's it. He hasn't been able to to win anything for Portugal either. Messi has proved more than enough to me and to everyone else that he is the best in the world and surely up there for one of the greatest of all time. While Pele did do well internationally, he also never left Brazil. Europe is where the best football is played, so I don't see why he gets all this credibility for dominating such a second rate league, while Messi has been destroying Europe and all the top teams for years consecutively but people like you still won't accept him. It's baffling to me really. Back in 08-09 Ronaldo could have been the best, but from 2010, Messi has been a lot better than him.

GanjaMan4573d ago

I would say so,he is one of the hottest strikers in europe at the moment

kulka4573d ago

I was waiting for someone to make this article.
Van Persie is in great form best striker in England at the moment

Gamer19824573d ago

Indeed but people seem to forget the past and his injury record and past goals to game record. Sure hes having a great season but players like CR and Messi do it every season not for 1 season or half a season. Way too early to say this yet. Maybe come back in 2 years and ask again if he still banging them in every week. Then again he won't be in an Arsenal shirt come August 2012. So how would he cope in a team with other goalscorers?

jak3y13oy4573d ago

I'm glad to supply you this article then ;)

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