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"I get orders, I stab people."


CRank: 72Score: 1225930

You can do it too

Hello everyone. Just want to encourage all contributors to approve as many stories as they can in the pending section. I've noticed for a while now that links tend to sit in the pending section for a long time. The admins have even decreased the necessary amount of approval votes from 10 to try and makes thing flow faster, but articles still seem to sit in pending for over 24 hrs. This is especially troublesome with time sensitive articles like live events. I have no idea how to use the method that webmasters use (not yet at least) and I'm sure most of you don't either. Click the plus sign at the top of the page beside the "Injuries" tab, then click the "Livestream" tag, then on the url to see what I'm talking about.

Remember, the more you approve, the more each of your votes will count overtime. I can't do it all by myself. ;)

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sokrates4481d ago

True! Will do it more:)

buddymagoo4469d ago

It would help if the guy that made the bog post approved from time to time.

RedDevils4456d ago (Edited 4456d ago )

I haven't been approving for ages lol too busy for exam :D

no_more_heroes4455d ago

That's why I'm asking for others on the site for help. I can't spend all day on this site doing everything because I have college work to do and it's only gonna get harder.