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Mancini says he copied Wayne Rooney card gesture

Manchester City boss Roberto Mancini has defended his brandishing of an imaginary card in an appeal for Maynor Figueroa to be sent off for handball in Monday's 1-0 win over Wigan.

The Italian manager said his actions were "normal" in the circumstances and pointed out that Manchester United striker Wayne Rooney had done something similar when Vincent Kompany was sent off during his side's defeat by United in the FA Cup earlier this month.

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buddymagoo4520d ago

Wayne Rooney put 2 fingers up as if to suggest a two footed tackle.

zeddy4520d ago

thats what i thought too.

Kos-Mos4519d ago

"Nobody listens to an italian in England"

Sahil4519d ago

I remember when Torres got booked for this in a game against Everton, for us. I stood and applauded it. Absolutely hate anyone who does it.

FlashXIII4519d ago

So he complains about how Rooney conducts himself then copies him? That's a good example to set to your players.. guess we now know why Balotelli enjoys playing under him.

mcstorm4519d ago

I really think he is starting to lose it now. He cant make his mind up. He says Rooney was out of order for doing what he did but the week before he was doing it and now this time he says he copy's Rooney.

At the end of the day its just a sport but a sport got get very involved with and you do things at the heat of the moment and thats what Rooney did and its what he is doing.

Stop dragging this on now and get back to football rather then talking about a past game.