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HxCGamer4518d ago

cant believe the header carroll missed at the very end ha so unlucky

buddymagoo4518d ago (Edited 4518d ago )

Liverpool at their racist antics again?! You would think their fans would just shut it after the shame they have brought on their club. I was shocked to hear them boo a man for being racially abused as well. Shame!

NewMonday4518d ago

i thought the 2 sets of fans were great, 2 out of 40,000 is not an issue, their will always be the rotten apples.

and booing is just booing

Big_Dom4518d ago

Fuck off, you Manc tit. Nothing was ever proven with Suarez and it's the same here again. Had you won, nothing would have been said. 2-1! Take your medicine, ya bastards! Both Manc clubs.

NewMonday4518d ago (Edited 4518d ago )

he was the usual crap until the last 10 minutes, knocked down the ball for the goal, the team needs to give him more fast quick release crosses on the rune like he used to get in Newcastle.

and MU holding the ball in your half against a tired team is not "dominating" its lame camping, if you can do it in opponents half the start bragging.

ngecenk4517d ago

that actually a very hard angle. and degea is between him and the goal.

carroll is surprisingly amazing last night. still goaless but hell mu def were panic a lot! good job, LFC!

buddymagoo4518d ago (Edited 4518d ago )

Missed some big players today. Smalling and Evans did well at the back today and they'll learn from it. Welbeck was left isolated up front and we missed Nani and Rooney.

Maxi should have been sent off with that two footed tackle the ref cost us the game.


I just feel annoyed losing the way we did.
I thought we played really well today, especially in midfield. We controlled the game for long periods but couldn't find a way through with Welbeck up on his own. In the end it came down to a defensive lapse in concentration which allowed Kuyt to pick up the ball with so much time and space.

I just find it odd that the two Manchester clubs have had terrible cup runs this year while they top the league table.

kane_lfc4518d ago (Edited 4518d ago )

Dalglish: "Utd might have been the better side but other than them hitting the woodwork once Pepe (Reina) didn't have that much to do"

We had just come out of a tiring win against City who never gave up and we missed Lucas, Suarez and a proper goalscorer.

ad4mb4518d ago (Edited 4518d ago )

lol, missing proper goal scorer? when did he sign for yas?

united missed rooney, jones, cleverley, nani, vidic, rio... could go on with a few more but you get the point.

we played great and were real unlucky not to get at least a draw. On the other hand I was really impressed with rafa and Valencia on the right. park played great too.

ProjectVulcan4518d ago (Edited 4518d ago )

From the get go you could see Ferguson's team sheet was making the best of what was available. For most of the game it was fairly closely fought, up until the 70th minute i thought United were most likely to snatch it.

However, Liverpool's subs came on and they did change the game and built the momentum for the last 20. Dalglish made the right choices to alter the shape and use all his useful subs, which was a good move. All fairness to that.

Unfortunately United were ill equipped to respond to the shape changes and Ferguson's midfield options as they have been for much of the season, were severely restricted.

I think had Anderson, Fletcher, Jones or Cleverley been available they would have certainly been playing- or sent on to counter the 4-4-2! Or At least Rooney would have dropped back into midfield.

This meant in the end Liverpool had enough to squeeze home after they had brought on the first choice players that had previously been left out.

MaximusPrime4518d ago

Man U doing pretty well. Keep it up


buddymagoo4518d ago (Edited 4518d ago )

I guess you are here because your team has been doing so badly lately and needed the ref and a cheat to win your game.

Put it this way.. I wouldn't want to be in your shoes.

zeddy4518d ago (Edited 4518d ago )

torres doing pretty well too. 50 million pounds, 42 games and 5 goals.

MaximusPrime4517d ago (Edited 4517d ago )

>double post<

MaximusPrime4517d ago

And Chelsea still through FA cup and Champions Leagues? Good teamwork regardless of Torres' lack of goal. He's still a great player and works well with the team.

Man U, hardly teamwork.

All the best with Europa League. A loss? then you're labelled as pathetic.

ProjectVulcan4518d ago (Edited 4518d ago )

Chelsea fans still can't talk. Beating QPR with a penalty that everyone knows was not a penalty in a million years, otherwise would have been held to a draw and a replay. Chelsea only need to come up against someone in the top 10 and they will get knocked out.

You have had an easy ride so far and made a hash of it today. Chelsea have no hope of winning a sausage this year lets face it even with City and United out of the FA cup.

kane_lfc4518d ago (Edited 4518d ago )

3 Man Utd fans have been arrested for spitting at the Hillsbourough memorial.

I reckon this kids better than De Gea?

kulka4518d ago

This is just sad spitting at Hillsbourough memorial it just shows the lack of respect

ad4mb4518d ago

yeh, liverpool fans are much better booing someone because he got racially abused.... not saying those united fans were right either before you put words in my mouth.

United: Defending champions
Liverpool: Defending racists

HxCGamer4518d ago

spitting on the Hillsborough memorial is not defending champions... its just disrespectful. No other way around it

kane_lfc4518d ago (Edited 4518d ago )

Evra the liar...

'Evrabody Lies'. Read the FA report yourself. The words of Patrice Evra alone DO NOT represent fact.

Come back when you have the real CL cup in your stadium. OK.


ad4mb4518d ago

lmao, when did I ever mention utd fans spitting on the memorial was defending champions?

buddymagoo4518d ago (Edited 4518d ago )

HxC missed the point. Liverpool fans were shameless and you have no proof to your allegations.

kulka you think you have a shot at the league??? bwa hahaha!

It's alright because we still have a shot at the league and as Adam said were are the defending CHAMP19NS!

Come back when you have won 2 World Cups!

kulka4518d ago

At least we still play in three competitions :)


Oh come on both teams have of group of scum fans who have been showing disrespect to the Hillsbourough and Munich tragedies for years now. Their not real fans and don't represent the clubs.
The fact that you Kane focused on the ugly instead of the actual match just goes to show you have nothing worthwhile to say about Liverpool and would rather waste your bubbles to badmouth United.

kulka4518d ago

@Buddy I said we still play in three competitions :) I never said we will win the league and World cup playing who ? amateurs from Asia or somewhere even Stoke would have won it

danikagrace4517d ago

@kulka Club World Cup is a tournament of the champions of all the main leagues. As a Liverpool fan it's understandable you don't know about it.
Recent winners:
2007 - AC Milan
2008 - Manchester United
2009 - Barcelona
2010 - Inter Milan
2011 - Barcelona

I doubt "even Stoke could have won it".

kulka4517d ago

@Danigrace and when was the last time someone outside of Europe won it ? Barca walked through everyone this year.. beating Santos 4-0

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