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Lampard out of Euros

Frank Lampard will miss Euro 2012 after a scan revealed the extent of his thigh problem, with Jordan Henderson called up to replace him in the England squad.

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jak3y13oy4384d ago

We're gonna lose all of our players due to injury at this rate!

ProjectVulcan4383d ago (Edited 4383d ago )

Lampard wouldn't have started because Roy almost certainly favours Gerrard and Parker. Ok, fine, but Lampard brought quality to the bench and squad. He could score goals and change games. Its a fairly significant loss and looking at the bench, now completely threadbare of proper attacking midfield quality.

England have suffered here with Wilshere out, Barry and now Lampard. It isn't looking good at all, my expectations have never been lower for England at a Finals.

We just have little depth of quality beyond our first 11. The sign of the top teams is you can look at their benches and see class sitting there, the Germans and the Dutch and the Spanish all boast that.

The squad looks incredibly defensive, and if we get out of the group, we will have actually done ok.

Who knows, maybe we can pull a Chelsea and bore teams to death to get to the later stages.

Hang on whoooaaaa. I deserve slapping for having hope. Roll on World cup 2014!

silvacrest4383d ago

i dont no what chelsea matches you watched recently, yes we played defensively but only a hater would say the matches were boring, a neutral will tell you the truth

other then that, i agree with you 100%

zeddy4383d ago

jordan henderson is the replacement? i honestly thought woy would do a decent job, but henderson?

buddymagoo4383d ago (Edited 4383d ago )

Yeah, tell me about it. Carroll, Downing, Gerrard and Henderson did great for Liverpool this year /s

5 players from a club that ranks 8th in the league. Nice one Hodgson!

freeduck4383d ago

Perhaps you can't admit that maybe Hodgson wants a more youthful England squad?
Massing senior players like Ferdinand, Carrick, Lampard, Terry, Cole, etc together never works, it never did and never will. England 2010 was an example.
It's time for some new players taking over the older ones. Henderson, Carroll are ones for the future.
You don't see me complaining about Welbeck being in the squad sheet

ProjectVulcan4383d ago (Edited 4383d ago )

Downing and Henderson were abysmal choices but hey, thats life. I would have taken Lennon in a heartbeat over Downing and had Adam Johnson at least on standby, because England needed IMPACT subs. Hodgson hasn't had the time needed really to construct the team, so i'll give him plenty of leeway for this tournament.

Players you know could come on and change a game, the tempo, score a goal, or alter the formation. Henderson couldn't change a lightbulb.

Give it another 2 years though, and the youngsters could have matured to give us a much better side. Smalling, Jones, Welbeck, Sturridge, Alex Ox, Wilshere, Frimpong etc

Mozilla894383d ago

I love the headline on SSN:

Hodgson bemoans "huge blow" as Henderson earns call-up.

It is indeed a huge blow for England that Henderson is called up lol

XboxInnovation4383d ago

Good news for England. Lampard can't connect a pass and he is slower than molasses.

Golden_Dive4383d ago

Who was the one that stopped messi and changed the whole play around against barca, and put his sweat and tears in chelsea football...
- Some people are ignorant on this site.
- He deserves to be there over Henderson no offence to my english liverpool supporters

PaPa-Slam4383d ago

Damn, i was actually looking forward to his game. things are not looking good for England.