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Italy players moved to tears during Auschwitz visit

The Azzurri visited the old concentration camp ahead of their opening game at Euro 2012, with many visibly affected by the tour around the site...

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jak3y13oy4390d ago

I don't think players should visit Auschwitz before the Euro's.
I'm not saying they shouldn't go at all i just believe that should go there and pay respect after the Euros.
Visiting a place like this can affect you for days, and you don't want your players to be like that before important games.

Just Saying. :)

Mozilla894390d ago

It could serve to give some players a lot of motivation though.

hobokiller4390d ago

Maybe the manager wanted to increase morale in case they face Germany?

jak3y13oy4390d ago

That's True and that's probably the main reason they went there.

It can work both ways though.

Sandmano4389d ago (Edited 4389d ago )

I have more respect for Maradona who wants to visit Palestine where people are getting killed TODAY not something that happened 70 years ago. Killed ironically by these same "innocent" people who were the victims of the Holocaust...

@jak3y13oy I think he was joking and the Italians were Hitlers allies so yeah their responsible just as much as the Germans.

jak3y13oy4388d ago

both situations are very bad but they went there because Auschwitz is in Poland and all of the teams for Euro 2012 are in Poland.

and also i was replying to Mozilla not hobokiller.