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April is my last month with HAVAmedia, thank you for the past 7 years!


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Sites on the Mend

Cat|4184d ago |Blog Post|4|

Most of you probably had trouble with 11x2 this weekend - received errors when performing any and all actions on the site, perhaps? The monkeys in the pen put in a fix for spam flood control, but some other stuff went a little wonky. Things are on the mend now, so ice those wounds and keep up a regular course of anti-inflammatories.

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PaPa-Slam4184d ago

Knew something was wrong, I've been facing errors throughout all the sites.

But they all seems to be working now.

no_more_heroes4184d ago

Now the next question is, was it just technology gremlins, or was it because the Newsboiler network is in the process of getting this upgrade that's (allegedly) been coming since Adam met Eve?

Cat4183d ago

We updated the CAPTCHA and it made the gremlins angry.

karim4184d ago

I thought I was the only one getting errors since I live Lebanon and well, the internet is quite crap here..Good to know that everything is back to normal, time to contribute again!