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April is my last month with HAVAmedia, thank you for the past 7 years!


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Prizes at the Speed of Internet

Cat|3891d ago |Blog Post|6|

In the past year and more recently in the past few months we at HAVA were trying a couple different prize payment solutions. I don't think it's any big secret (especially to the winners) that none of them was as fast as we would like.

The good news is we just changed things up again and September prizes are already paying out. Users that chose PayPal have already had their prizes issued, and Amazon codes will be paid out by next week. This should speed up even further when we enter our second cycle next month.

Thanks for your patience, and I'm glad we have a solution that will require less of it! :)

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jak3y13oy3891d ago (Edited 3884d ago )

i was shocked to see an email from amazon this morning!

i am pleased to see such fastness! :D

coolbeans3891d ago (Edited 3891d ago )

Why do I get the feeling I've seen this announced elsewhere?


Cat3891d ago

You're just frustrated there's no glaring typographical errors!

no_more_heroes3889d ago

Good to know. Although I've been quite anonymous this month due to heavy college work. I just finished my "week from hell", where for five days out of the week I had one of either a midterm exam, assignment or essay to do.

It was...stressful...

Cat3887d ago

Welcome back to the land of the living!