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Messi breaks Di Stefano's Clasico goals record The Argentine notched his 19th goal in just 27 games against Real Madrid to move one clear of his compatriot in the all-time standings.

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asmith23063736d ago

Messi just keeps breaking records. What a player.

Nes_Daze3736d ago

What he did with Neymar's help, driving against a white wall, against Ramos, and then receiving the pass and having the composure to's just awesome. His pass to Iniesta for that first goal was also crucial.

Spiewie 3736d ago

He's outstanding and has played a fantastic game even though I doubted...

KingPin3735d ago

messi is an absolute beast.
no doubt. as much as i hate seeing him scoring goals against madrid i still admire him. lol although i am a CR7 fan (no secret here) i respect messi. hats off to him.

RosweeSon3735d ago

He also screwed a light bulb in on his own what a guy... Jokes ;)

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