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The Most Important Player for Every World Cup Team

BR - OK, folks, we are almost there now. With the 2014 FIFA World Cup finals kicking off in Brazil next Thursday, we take a look at who each country’s most important player will be at this summer’s global show-piece event.

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-Mezzo-3665d ago


Are my top 3.

dark-kyon3664d ago

messi is in bad shape,di maria is the better argentine player now.

asmith23063660d ago

How is 41 goals this season in bad shape? For Messi that's just out of form! Hopefully he's up for this tournament.

Yi-Long3664d ago (Edited 3664d ago )

I really wish Huntelaar would start every match for Holland. Van Persie might be the better football player, but Huntelaar is the much better striker and goal scorer, and Van Persie was terrible in 2010 and 2012.

Ideally, they would BOTH start, but somehow that doesn't seem to be an option for the Dutch coaches, which is a shame.

For Ivory Coast, I'd say Bony is better than Gervinho.

Belgium has so many talented players, it ain't even funny.