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Madrid Fans Wanted to Beat Up Andy Townsend: Angry Mob Thought ITV Pundit Was Referee Wolfgang Stark

Townsend, who was enjoying a meal with ITV presenter Adrian Chiles and other network bosses, said he feared he would be attacked when Real supporters identified him as Stark.

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nieuwland144743d ago

Haha Real fans will hate him for years.

zinedine4743d ago

Correction, for decades, he will always be the man that made it so that Barca win the 2010/2011 UEFA Champions League, not Real.

ultramoot4743d ago

Or maybe they knew who he actually was, and tried to beat him up anyway. LOL. I know I would, the big douchebag.

liyilim4741d ago

good news, new fashion items .

input: ( )

Sahil4741d ago

hahaha.. good for Stark though, he's safe :)