
Phil Spencer: "Gaming Is Not a Race Between Two Consoles;" Explains Why Xbox Didn't Try Handhelds

Phil Spencer is going to Japan, but before boarding the flight, he had a few more words for the fans about competition and portable gaming.

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FallenAngel19842634d ago

The closest the Xbox division of Microsoft came to developing a handheld was the Zune and that turned out to be a flop. Good luck even trying to find anybody who even remembers the Zune.

Safe to say they most likely would've flopped even harder with a dedicated handheld device.

Nitrowolf22634d ago

I think the Zune released at a bad time, as with Microsoft surface (idk if thats doing doo now?)

Both devices basically surfaced AFTER the success of apple hitting it with the ipod.

Releasing a handheld from them in todays market wouldnt exactly be DOA for them. I feel the handheld market is pretty open, despite being mostly Nintendo dominant.

GtR35olution2634d ago

Thats why microsoft used to talk about whoever gets to 10 million first wins and used to talk about how they are selling more software and hardware than sony last gen.

Phunkydiabetic12634d ago

Microsoft can't even release a proper console and you're optimistic about them releasing a friggin handheld? What planet are you on?

CapitalGamerNZ2634d ago

Please explain what makes a console "proper"?

PlayableGamez-2634d ago

In Phil's defense and I know he flip flops but if he never said things that previous executives said, it's hard to hold him accountable for said things.

TheCommentator2634d ago

What are you talking about, GTR? Nitrowolf is talking about Zune, Surface, and handhelds, so how does, "...whoever gets to 10 million first wins..." relate to anything in his post? To Phil heading to Japan to visit 3rd party devs?

Nitro, I don't think handhelds are going to be around much longer because of the convenience of smart phones and tablets. UWP offers a good way of getting into the portable space though since devs can code a game that works on everything with a minimum of effort.

S2Killinit2634d ago (Edited 2634d ago )

When MS opens his mouth it make a sound like :

Joking aside, I've said it before, instead of lip service MS should spend its vast reservoirs of money on making games instead of PR.

WombBat2634d ago

lol. I hate the new direction microsoft has gone with all this non-exclusives to the platforms.

Sold my Xbone not long ago because of it. Only wanted it for Halo anyways, and next one might come to PC for all we know.

XanderZane2634d ago

I think the XBox 360 was pretty proper. Over 87+ million sold proves that. Maybe you didn't own one, so don't know.

Dragonscale2634d ago

@thecommentator, because Spenser said its not a race between 2 consoles. So it actually relates to the article which makes a mockery of when they said first to 10 mill wins. All of a sudden its not a competition any more because it doesn't suit ms agenda. Lol.

2634d ago
XanderZane2633d ago


That wasn't Phil Spencer who said "First to 10 million wins" That was Don Mattrick. He's not with Microsoft anymore. He was actually noting the history of consoles who usually reach 10 million first. Also, this was last gen, not this gen. Here is the statement below. I think Phil believes differently.

“This year will be the largest in the history of the video game industry, with Xbox 360 leading the charge in the U.S. and abroad,” said Don Mattrick, senior vice president of the Interactive Entertainment Business in the Entertainment and Devices Division at Microsoft. “History has shown us that the first company to reach 10 million in console sales wins the generation battle. We are uniquely positioned to set a new benchmark for the industry.”

bouzebbal2633d ago

Didn't this same clown scream it on every roof when X1 finished as best selling of the month ?

343_Guilty_Spark2633d ago

Surface has surprisingly become a very successful product.

darthv722633d ago (Edited 2633d ago )

The Zune was a very good media player. In comparison to the ipod at the time, the zune offered much easier plug and play with any machine where as the ipod was tethered to a particular machine and if you tried to plug into another it would ask if you want to erase your files in order to put someone elses on.

I know there were ways around that but the average person didn't. Like pretty much all other portable media players from the likes of sony, creative labs, archos... the zune was following their ease of use. but alas, people were more hooked on the name "ipod" than the fact they couldnt easily just add music wherever they wanted. I could plug in a zune (or any other non ipod player) into multiple machines and load music onto it. No hassle, no restrictions.

I think I still have the zune and the zune dock to plug it into the stereo. Now i need to go dig that out and see if it still works.

2633d ago
+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 2633d ago
chrisx2634d ago

Sometimes its like phil is an AI just programmed by ms for specific replies and repetitive statements. Smh

-Foxtrot2634d ago

I hope people who have defended him as a messiah will start to see his cracks now showing.

A guy being told what to do by higher ups while trying to hold off things for whatever reason...maybe as part of a larger plan who knows.

Godmars2902634d ago

Been saying for some time the man is only taking over for the mess Mattick left, yet still has his hands tied by the same upper execs who put Mattick there in the first place. And its only been showing more and more.

DivoJones2634d ago

Phil merely feels like a relate-able corpo exec.. but the fact remains he is a corporate exec. And like every single one.. be it Shuhei, Reggie Fils-Aime/Satoru Iwata, Phil Spencer.. they'll always have great things to say about their own brand. You will NEVER see one say 'well you know, Sony is really crushing us in sales this generation", or "the WiiU was a failure" or that "Sony as an entity is being saved almost exclusively due to the success of playstation" .. even if all 3 are true.

rainslacker2634d ago

An executive can only be as good as the policies and goals of the company. A lot depends on how much influence said executive has over said products and policies, but ultimately, what I see Phil say now sounds good, and honestly, I think he believes what he says, but there is that perpetual catch attached to everything from the MS top brass.

AmUnRa2634d ago

In other words Spencer is just a talking head.

Phill-Spencer2633d ago (Edited 2633d ago )


Well at least sony admitted when they had a sparse year in regards to exclusives.

Spencer is still talking about a great year 2016 and even a "epic" 2017, like
wtf? It seems that he is just a pr face put in place so xbox gamers can relate to, nothing more. If that's not the case he is simply doing a terrible job, maybe eben worse than mattrick.

GorillaTact2633d ago

The paid shills and kiddies sound like programmed a.i. Any article like this they all come out to regurgitate their nonsense. A grown adult doesn't care about this console war. Middle school kids, and shills paid to post on sites like this do. The funny thing about the shills is that they have no loyalty like the kiddies do. They can take contracts from all companies, and political groups, and get paid. To the kiddies, grow up, this console war nonsense isn't important to your life. To the shills, people with half a brain know you are here.

JasonKCK2633d ago

Just as bad as a fanbase that goes out of their way looking for cracks

nX2633d ago

Well his bosses just read his statements, not the reactions online. Spencer always was an airhead just like the people around him. Xbox is being run by Microsoft puppets that would do anything to improve their career.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2633d ago
_-EDMIX-_2634d ago

I own a 30 gigabyte Zone and in my personal opinion it was a very very solid and well-made MP3 player I think Microsoft probably Coulda did okay with it if they actually continue to support it.

But most Don't You Stand Alone MP3 players any longer.

andrewsquall2634d ago

Even the people who owned them can't remember what they were called. :)

badz1492634d ago

Ms didn't make any MP3 player called Zone though...

_-EDMIX-_2634d ago

@and- LMFAO!

I was using my phone's speech-to-text and didn't notice that.


I still think the Zune with a solid MP3 player.

mcstorm2634d ago

@_-EDMIX-_ I'm with you on this. I still have a Zune and at the time Zune was way ahead of the Ipod in what it could do but Apple had the buzz and also the Zune only came out in the USA.

I have a Groove music pass which ive had since getting my Zune and for me the best music service ive used and ive tried others but limiting devices, songs can be added ect have kept me going back to Microsofts paid service for music but it is each to there own in this one.

madforaday2633d ago

I use to work at Best Buy and the ones that sold the most were the Sony's MP3 player (because they were the cheapest and people knew Sony). When I use to show the people the Zune, the UI was literally the reason why people didn't get into it. I didn't blame them at all because it was awful. Of course, you can get use to it and it isn't a problem but when it comes to actually buying a product the UI is the first thing they get to see.

A fun little story, when I use to work at Best Buy, almost EVERYONE would come up and ask, Hey can I see the Ipods. I say of course, and show them the Ipods, then they are like, do you have any other cheaper Ipods? In the beginning I was confused, I am like no, these are it, and they go, (pointing at the Sony mp3) what about those over there? Those aren't Ipods, and they are like, that is what I meant the cheap ipods.....

Not a great story but a story nonetheless and you're welcome lol

Muzikguy2633d ago

30GB is too small. I'm pissed that Apple doesn't make the iPod classic anymore. I need that 120GB player in my life again. I feel like I'm going backwards 30 years needing to burn discs to listen to music because standalone players are becoming harder to find. All for the sake of streaming...

JLynn9432633d ago

I had (well, have, somewhere) the first Zune they released. I loved it. It's just a type of technology that time passed by though.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2633d ago
2634d ago
thexmanone2634d ago

I still Have my Zune. Flop or not mine still works.

rainslacker2634d ago

I got a zune second hand from someone, and I found it to be a great device. It still works fine, although I don't use it anymore due to having other options which are more convienant.

XanderZane2633d ago

Right. The ones hating on it, are the ones who don't own one. Pretty much the same thing for the XB1. lol!!

rainslacker2634d ago

Sad, because the Zune was actually really good. One of MS few really good hardware devices. They just flopped on the marketing big time compared to Apple.

2634d ago
XanderZane2634d ago

I remember the Zune. I believe it was trying to be an IPod. Basically a MP3 player. It was on the market for 4 years.


Microsoft wasn't prepared to release a handheld game system. Nintendo's handheld devices were way to strong as Sony eventually realized.

Universal 082634d ago

Honestly even though it wasnt popular I loved my zune, it had radio which the ipod didnt. I just wish I kept my original instead of upgrading, That clear purple with green hinted in it was the coolest thing ever. I still use my Zune HD too for road trips.

2634d ago Replies(1)
DarXyde2633d ago (Edited 2633d ago )

I think Zune was criminally underrated. A much better device in terms of price, space, service, and headphone quality than ipod.

A handheld device wouldn't really suit Microsoft well. It's a market that requires more patience than the console market and I think they get a bit antsy when projects don't succeed out of the gate. The original Xbox being the only exception that comes to mind.

thorstein2633d ago (Edited 2633d ago )

I remember the Zune and thought it was a good product. Unfortunately, MS doesn't always go with the best advertisers. Consider how popular Apple products are. Sure, you can argue that they are quality, but that doesn't mean they have all the features the competitors have.

Apple made their products "cool" and therefore they sold well. MS appealed to people's knowledge rather than their ego and the Zune didn't do well.

Same goes with Windows Phone. Consider all the things that Droid users love, but you don't have to jailbreak the phone to do them.... ie Uninstall any apps you want. The problem became that WP doesn't do well because they don't have all the apps, though Xbox music is better than Google and One Drive works far better than iPhone's INability to connect to a PC and dload images/ video (whatever) without first installing crappy software that bogs down your PC.

So, it is kind of a fallacy to state that it would've flopped even harder, when in reality, MS needs better advertisers.

TheBrit2633d ago

Your wrong - I remember it and I had one.

Chano2633d ago

Is vita even a thing anymore?

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 2633d ago
tyasia02634d ago

"Gaming Is Not a Race Between Two Consoles" "Unless we're the ones winning then you can be sure it's a race and we'll talk about how we're the ones winning all the freaking time like last gen and that time we won a few months this gen."

This guy is so two faced it's sickening

Neonridr2634d ago

says the person making up quotes to help defend their argument.. just sayin'

tyasia02634d ago

I don't speak for a major corporation. And my comments are not hypocritical, I never said I wouldn't talk about these things.

He repeatedly this gen has said sales aren't important then constantly talks about sales. You only have to look at their super salty comment from last months NPD to see they have no intention of not talking about sales or even remotely seeming honest about their belief that sales don't matter. Not to mention the whole "best selling console ad".

Last gen even though in aligned sales they were basically never ahead yet they constantly bragged about their sales. Nothing him or anyone says will ever make me believe that if they some how take the lead in the future that they won't go back to the old "sales matter rhetoric" in an instant.

Neonridr2634d ago

I am not saying I don't agree with you. But you should always try to stay away from making stuff up if you want your point to be heard. Unless it's N4G, in which case you can just make up shit and everyone will believe you :P

Obviously MS is in a position where they can only brag about small victories here and there. I am sure it would be no different if the roles were reversed.

tyasia02634d ago

Are you seriously saying that you didn't understand I was being sarcastic? Did you honestly think I was trying to fool people into believing that was an honest Phil quote? If that's the case your pretty dense.

Miss_Weeboo2634d ago

Just saying: making up quotes to defend your arguments is perfectly fine
"A fine quotation is a diamond in the hand of a man of wit and a pebble in the hand of a fool"
Joseph Roux (19th century writer)

Sparta072634d ago

@Neo, 🤣😂!!!!! That one went right over your head!! 😝
Take a moment before you defend the great Phil next time.

Puertorock772633d ago

The funny thing is Tuasia0 is not that far off. This is Phil Spencer's feeling about the console war when he first took over.

Quote "At some level, it is a competition, and I've said before I want to win," he explained.

He is only like this now cause he knows it's over. There is no console war. PS4 won this gen and he's moving on to a different strategy.

Phill-Spencer2633d ago


Oh how i wish someone would confront him with this stuff during an interview to see how he responds to this. It would be priceless

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2633d ago
ZwVw2634d ago

He'd make for a great Harvey Dent in the DCEU.

InTheLab2634d ago

This and the fact that they barely have enough games to populate the x1 let alone support a handheld

Muzikguy2634d ago (Edited 2634d ago )

No kidding. He's not fooling me with the "gaming is not a race between two consoles" nonsense. If they were ahead it would be the world's greatest achievement (for them) and we'd be hearing about it everywhere in the gaming world. Now it's just engagement hours, YOY sales, and bullets fired statistics

He keeps changing his story to try and appeal to everyone it seems like. He's lying and people just eat it up

andrewsquall2634d ago

Bookmark this classic quote. Lets see the sales figures Phil is quoting for the first 2 weeks of Scorpios launch which will be their largest console sales in a LONG time (if they can keep up with the demand). This will be brought on by the the massively decreasing Xbone sales over the the next 8 months.

And how much you want to bet that 2 weeks of Xbox sales beating PS4 sales out of 52 weeks will still be seen as "Xbox won the year" by deluded fans. Hell even if it managed to outsell the PS4 the last 12 weeks of the year out of 52 weeks they will STILL see it as "Xbox sales beat PS4 forever" until they come off their high.

2634d ago
danny8182633d ago

he wasnt leading Xbox last gen and didnt even start with X1. Look how many upvotes you got lol N4G is a straight up joke

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2633d ago
stuna12634d ago

Oh how the tune changes when you're in second place!!! Last generation that was all it was about! Microsoft used taglines like "The Best place to play". Every month it was about outselling the PS3 on NPD even though PS3 had the world on lockdown.

But it's not about competition? Phil why is it that certain fanatics of your fanbase are even now foaming at the mouth with just the mention of the word "Scorpio"!? Because you have done nothing but tout how it will the world's most powerful console. Isn't that promoting competition?

Just because Microsoft wasn't able to make a feasible handheld, it didn't stop them from making the Zune. Which was in fact a handheld.

Now watch the ones I mentioned above jump to defend what has come from the proverbial horse's mouth.....

Bathyj2634d ago

Yeah it funny how it "nothing to do with Xbox’s market share". Market share was all I heard last gen and how Sony had lost it. When youre dominating like PS2 did, with a market share percentage that no console had ever done before and will ever do any, then naturally you are going to lose market share. But its not about that now.

And I agree. Its about games, and should always be about games. But theres not much to say about that either. Sonys releasing hit after hit, Phils on Twitter and going to Japan to port beg. Two different strategies from these companies. I know which one I like. I dont see how others can still defend MS's approach. I really loved them when they were the new kid on the block. But now they seem more lost than ever, and Im not talking about sales..

2633d ago
343_Guilty_Spark2633d ago

The Scorpio buzz for me is nil now. Without the games it won't matter.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2633d ago
PhoenixUp2634d ago (Edited 2634d ago )

But Phil Spencer has been quoted saying "At some level, it is a competition, and I've said before I want to win... I'm not going to duck that. I want to win. I want to win this generation, but I want to win more than I want the other guy to lose."


Now "it's not a race?" What happened to "I'm not going to duck that?" What happened to wanting to win this generation?

Dear lord this guy is flip flopping on all his statements. It's stuff like this that really makes it hard to take him seriously and it makes him look like even more of a corporate shill.

-Foxtrot2634d ago

And yet this is the man people want you to trust and criticise you when you call him out

Sorry that we see him for what he is.

ninsigma2634d ago (Edited 2634d ago )

For this whole gen, just whenever the man speaks, I know not to believe it or trust it. The way he words things and the way he speaks made me not trust him as a mouth piece. Im glad I'm not the only one to think that!

Edit: sounded like I do trust him in one sentence. Can't be having that!

-Foxtrot2634d ago

Don Mattrick was like a sleazy car sales man and Phil Spencer is like a sly estate agent

"Beautiful, beautiful home, I can't wait to show the kitchen, it's absolutely perfect-althoughthepipeisleaki ng-and so is the garden-possiblesinkholesobewar e-it's fantastic.

Trez12342634d ago

I gave up when he said the cancellation of a game was " good" for xbox gamers. I mean...really?

ItMatters2634d ago

It seems just you and the other PlayStation fans that see him that way.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2634d ago
Tussin1872634d ago

So when the Scorpio drops then I don't want to hear anything from the fanboys. This is not a competition between two consoles.

Remember that and this comes from Phil's mouth. Follow the quote from the savior.

BlackTar1872634d ago

well it will be a competition between 3 consoles PS4vXBOXvNinty

so all he did was say it's not a competition between 2 it's 3 so there is some wiggle room.

rainslacker2634d ago

The thing about having a messiah, is that people like to repeat what that messiah preaches, but often don't practice what is preached.

badz1492634d ago (Edited 2634d ago )


LOL You would succeed as a lawyer. Or are you already one?

kayoss2634d ago

Ninty already stated that they are not competing agains xbox or ps4. Even ninty fans said it themselves.

But of course we all know that they're back in the competition if the switch outsell the other two consoles.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2634d ago
XanderZane2633d ago (Edited 2633d ago )

It's called FLIP-FLOPPING. Every Corporate Executive does this, not just Microsoft's. Sony and Nintendo have done this in the past as well. I have to laugh because gamers act like this is the first time they've seen stuff like this happen from a business. I'm pretty sure I could dig up statements from Sony and Nintendo's executives who've filp-flopped on things as well. You can't trust any corporate executives words. I've learned that many, many years ago. You can only hope what they say will be true in the end. As a gamer, you do your research on the products and games and get what you know will entertain and benefit you.

The console race war is over, so of course Phil isn't going to be talking about winning anything. For Microsoft & Nintendo, it's no longer about 2 (or 3) consoles racing anymore. That's just the facts. Nintendo is about to start a new generation anyways. So maybe they will talk numbers now.

Christopher2633d ago

Pretty much this, though I don't agree that the console race is over. They're just putting a massive pin in it until Scorpio is ready to be released.

XanderZane2633d ago

Naahh.. it's pretty much over. The Scorpio will probably still sell well, but no where enough to catch the PS4 at this point. Same thing happened last gen as well. Not sure what the trolls are disagreeing with. The race is over. Yes, Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo have executives who all Flip-Flop. That's a fact.

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Fallout 76 Players Have Nuked Phil Spencer in Response to Studio Closures

Fallout 76 players have dropped the big one on Phil Spencer in response to Xbox's closures of Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks this week.


Meet The Guy Who Just Nuked Xbox Boss Phil Spencer In Fallout 76

He said he treated the Xbox executive like the RPG's final boss

Jingsing32m ago

Somewhat fitting, Considering buying Bethesda was a complete selfish purchasing decision by himself just because he is a big Fallout fan he wanted to own the toy. Well quite frankly Microsoft should look at that and say you put your personal tastes in front of the business and it has backfired.


Sarah Bond dodges questions on Xbox studio closures

While on stage with Dina Bass at The Bloomberg Technology Summit the President of Xbox, Sarah Bond, was asked about the Xbox studio closures of Arkane Austin, Tango Gameworks, Alpha Dog, and Roundhouse Studios

14h ago
ApocalypseShadow11h ago

Of course she did. She's part of the problem and will just tow the company line.

VenomUK9h ago(Edited 9h ago)

Bloomberg’s Dina Bass could barely read her scripted question without looking at her notes, whilst Sarah Bond who WAS expecting the question spoke without saying anything of substance or answering the question in any meaningful way. Clearly she’s had the same expert PR training as Phil, but this avoidance was disrespectful. In time the short-sighted decision to shut down Tango Gameworks will be seen as of the most notorious examples why Phil Spencer messed up his tenure in charge of Xbox. That’s a fully built out talented team that could’ve been put to work on any project.

Additionally, Phil Spencer should not be using Sarah Bond as a patsy for his mistakes- he should be answering that question.

gleepot7h ago

I think you are all really overselling Tangos value. Hi-Fi rush was a lot of fun. Ghostwire was incredibly dull. Evil within 1 and 2 were just okay.

lucasnooker6h ago

Evil within 2 was incredibly under rated. I thought that game was surprisingly good

NotoriousWhiz3h ago

Someone else said it best. I don't think it was a Phil decision. It was most likely a Satya decision. I think Microsoft is done giving out free money to Xbox.

Cacabunga55m ago

people please boycott Activision Bethesda next release and support Hellblade.
these people mus understand that they cannot treat their fans and employees that way.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 55m ago
XiNatsuDragnel10h ago

Yikes you don't help Sarah 😬 making a problem worse

Christopher9h ago

She's playing her role. There's absolutely nothing any of them can say other than the truth, this is about profit margins and not quality, so they just don't answer anything and wait for gamers to forget.

zaanan0m ago

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss

Hofstaderman9h ago

Like a deer caught in the headlights.....

notachance9h ago

I always wondered why xbox had multiple leaders with similar titles like Phil Spencer, Matt Booty, and Sarah Bond, like, how many heads do you actually need?

Seems to me it would be more cost efficient to cut 2 of them instead of all those studios.

DarXyde8h ago

Frankly, I suspect she is the most competent of them. I don't mean that I like her more, I mean that she's the best at articulating herself and giving the talking points MS wants to give. The others are starting to sound more like her than her sounding like any of them.

Are any of these people "responsible" for what's happening? No. This reeks of Nadella. But that being said, I don't see any of the Xbox heads stepping down in protest.

"Don't shoot the messenger", sure, but at the same time, the messengers don't seem to take umbrage with the message. Not enough to remove themselves from it, anyway.

RpgSama1h ago

Dude, 100%, forgot Major Nelson and Aaron Greenberg, like what is the point for all these suits? They have more C-level executives than games released in a generation.

This is just so they can all pass along the hot potato one at a time and in between all of them can say a lot without actually saying anything, misinformation at its finest.

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