
Days Gone's E3 demo shows scant signs of life | Eurogamer

Days Gone is the quintessential 2018 video game. Actually, to be precise and only a bit mean, it's the quintessential 2015 video game. It's an open-world zombie-apocalypse survival adventure with a hard-bitten rebel hero who has a code of honour and an upgradeable motorcycle. In the game, you scavenge and craft, shoot, drive and brawl, follow waypoints and get stuck on tree trunks. The rebel hero, who is called Deacon St John, growls things like, "I don't shoot women if I have a choice." The art strives for poetic decay but, for the most part, only musters a rural-trailer-park drabness. I played it four days ago and can't remember what Deacon looks like. The Last of Us it isn't, even though The Last of Us is clearly what it wants to be. And State of Decay. And Sons of Anarchy. And DayZ.

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UCForce2160d ago

Hmm, EuroGamer didn’t like it,hud ? I can see that this game going to be compare to The Last of Us a lot. From what I see, those two games are not that even close. Do I think this game going to be critical acclaim like TLOU ? No, but I do think the game game going to be great in final release. Of course, the game is still in alpha and a lot to improve, but i’m glad Sony give Bend Studios more time to polish the game.

ArchangelMike2160d ago

When God of War was releasing, everybody said oh it's just trying to be The Last of Us, and it was nothing at all like TLOU. Same with Days Gone, it's just lazy thinking and lazy journalism.

I think Days Gone is being unfairly judged, developers are still making open world games (Far Cry 5 broke sales records), and developers are still making zombie games (a new The Walking Dead game), and developers will still make open world zombie games State of Decay 2), and when those games come around, you won't hear the same rhetoric about "zombie fatigue" or "open world fatigue".

For example why don't Eurogamer go and tell Rockstar that Nobody wants open world games anymore because "open world Fatigue", or that Rockstar should not bother adding Undead Nightmare Mode becasue "Zombie fatigue." It's complete nonsense.

UCForce2160d ago

Back then, EuroGamer wasn’t like this. But now, a lot of people said EuroGamer act a lot like Kotaku.

Jeff2572160d ago

Speaking of Open World titles for Sony. Spider-Man will be open world as it Ghost Of Tsushima. Frankly I am excited to play them as well as Days Gone and RDR 2. Why? Because each puts you in a different world that I want to explore and see what stories I can make outside of the main narrative's they all will have. Because ultimately in Open World games you can make your own story based on how you play.

ClanPsi12160d ago

Calling what these hacks do "journalism" is WAY too generous.

Eonjay2160d ago

They didn't like God of War either. The did however tell us that gamers needed to love Sea of Thieves. They are just being mean like they insinuated that would in this very piece.

LemyAtom2160d ago

Serious question. I'm getting sick of EG being overly harsh and superior. What would be a good alternative? I enjoy PlayStation Lifestyle and sometimes listen to the sixth axis. I have enjoyed (and wrote for) The Vita Lounge and enjoy Switch Player. I tend to enjoy games more than a lot of reviewers. I'm not harsh and can usually see past minor quibbles. Eurogamer is the only website I've gone to every day for years but I've been steadily getting more fed up over the past couple of years.

S2Killinit2159d ago

They didnt like God of War either?? Now it’s suspicious.

Gazondaily2159d ago

Lol as expected, the comments here are embarrassing.

"Hacks!" "Didn't give GoW perfect appraisals!'" "Eurogamer act like Kotaku" (whatever the hell that means).

You guys have lost it 🤣

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2159d ago
DarkVoyager2160d ago (Edited 2160d ago )

“Days Gone's E3 demo shows scant signs of life“

Eurogamer doesn’t like anything.

“'I played it four days ago and can't remember what Deacon looks like.”

I remember what Deacon looks like just from watching Game Informer coverage.

Liqu1d2160d ago

I remember what he looks like from the very first announcement. This guy must have memory problems.

chrisx2160d ago

yea Deacon looks like James Franco...am I the only one who noticed that lol.

RpgSama2160d ago

I remember him from just watching the first E3 reveal, that's a beyond stupid thing to say.

Jeff2572160d ago


Yes you probably are the only one. As to me he looks exactly like the actor playing him. Now I wonder if they can throw in a light saber easter egg.

Jinger2160d ago (Edited 2160d ago )

He looks very much like the voice actor. Same guy who did Star Killer (who he also voiced and modeled for).

Edit: to add to my point. Sam Witwer (spelling?) Is a pretty prominent voice over artist. I recognized him immediately from the first showing of Days Gone. Hell, I'm not all that interest in this game but I know exactly what Deacon looks like lol

FullmetalRoyale2160d ago

I definitely remember his face. Though I really enjoyed Being Human, which the actor was also the star of. Assuming the writing is on point, he’s capable of delivering a really good performance.

OffRoadKing2159d ago

Funny they cant remember considering he looks just like Sam Witwer the actor voicing the character. I think its more an attempt on their part to be dismissive of the game. Wreaks of garbage "journalism".

rainslacker2159d ago (Edited 2159d ago )

MS has been giving EG/DF all sorts of easy access to what they're doing nowadays, and since their early look at X1X, EG has seemed overly critical of Sony stuff on a lot of matters. They still seem to be OK sometimes, but when it comes to games, they seem to be a bit more click-baity than they used to be.

And I remember what Deacon looks like from the trailers from a couple years ago. I guess we're supposed to blame Sony for the authors ADD?

Eurogamer. Home of Digital Foundry. The publication which can remember a blade of grass being out of place or somehow off between a comparison of console versions, yet can't remember a face.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2159d ago
P_Bomb2160d ago

I get more of a Horizon vibe from this than I ever have of TLOU. When he’s running from the horde and pulls up the weapon wheel which slows down time a bit and lets him craft on the fly/swap weapons...totally Horizon. When you’re fighting a mech-mob or big bads like stalkers. I did that all the time. Neither feels like TLOU to me.

Deep-throat2160d ago ShowReplies(6)
butchertroll2159d ago

Unlike Eurogamer, other outlets gave good impressions. Overall, it's positive :


adonisisfree2159d ago

This title is well past alpha. In fact if it’s still in alpha it’s terribly behind schedule

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2159d ago
UCForce2160d ago (Edited 2160d ago )

And what was that quote by EuroGamer ? “I don’t shoot women if I have a choice”. Seriously ?

UCForce2160d ago (Edited 2160d ago )

That quote is very cringe.

OB1Biker2160d ago (Edited 2160d ago )

Quoting the quote is cringe ;)

You quoting the cringe quoter is fine though

2159d ago Replies(1)
RememberThe3572159d ago

I generally try to avoid shooting anyone, regardless of gender, who isn't actively trying to kill me.

getbacktogaming2159d ago

I don't mind shooting zombies ... not so sure about freakers yet though!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2159d ago
OB1Biker2160d ago

'I played it four days ago and can't remember what Deacon looks like.'
You should see your doctor man.

ClanPsi12160d ago

Anyone in the gaming industry who doesn't know who Sam Witwer is simply shouldn't be in the gaming industry.

getbacktogaming2159d ago

Seriously lol, people can diss IGN all they want at least their 'biased' reporters seem to genuinely enjoy videogames as a medium !

DigitalRaptor2159d ago (Edited 2159d ago )

The article is pretty funny.

-- "I played it four days ago and can't remember what Deacon looks like." --
Maybe the author should pay attention to the fact that the main character is modelled after famous screen and voice actor Sam Witwer, who plays him. I couldn't remember what Starkiller from The Force Unleashed looked like after playing that game for a while... NOT. I could understand if he said that about the secondary character, Boozer, but yeah... Sam Witwer is pretty well known in this industry.

-- "The Last of Us it isn't, even though The Last of Us is clearly what it wants to be." --
If this poor excuse for a journalist wanted to seek the truth he would have sourced the Game Informer interview from a few days ago that has John Garvin giving the impression that the studio resents the comparisons made to TLoU, and that is not the kind of game that they want to make, and the coverage shows the kind of game they are intending to make along with the new technology that they are using for it to happen.

Game Informer cares about the facts when previewing a game, Eurogamer clearly needs an editor with more integrity.

OB1Biker2159d ago (Edited 2159d ago )

I mean, I dont want to go into what could look like a personal attack on the author but to speak my mind I feel the article is very lazy and spends most of the time talking about what's going on in his head rather than what's going on in the game.
I don't blame him too much mind you. I think much of gaming journalism is more self centered than really interested in games.

ClanPsi12159d ago

Gaming writers aren't journalists.

getbacktogaming2159d ago


It is very lazy reporting I was genuinely interested in the game and the only feeling I get reading that article is the author genuinely wants the game to fail miserably!

bluefox7552159d ago (Edited 2159d ago )

This seems absurd to me, he has an incredibly distinctive look. I instantly remembered what he looked like, despite seeing very little footage, and none recently.

DemonChicken2155d ago

yeah agreed, does not read very professionally as seems like it's going to fail and the the game suck, i.e. written like it's the final product and it is going to fail.

They only played a short time which they mentioned (officially 20 mins session for judges week but they played 30 mins) based on a 30 hour game story in ALPHA. Adding to the fact that this is in the early hours of the game (where majority of tutorials are which eases you in the game), hardly representative.

Also that zombie nitpicking - I get it the person hates zombie open world genres, but professionally should not you go in with a open mind?

Rating article on a IGN scale - 1/10 too much stupid

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2155d ago
ArchangelMike2160d ago

It always baffles me why sites like Eurogamer (Polygone as well) will send the guy who doesn't like open world games to go a preview/review and open world game? Or send the lady who's not into RPGs to go review an RPG.

Then instead of gamers learning more about the game, all we hear is how that particular person is fed up of the said genre, and how they were bored or whatever. Well no s**t Sherlock, it's not your thing. If you send me to preview/review a cricket game it really won't matter what the latest features are in the game, I will get bored just looking at it, because cricket is just not my thing.

I also hate all the pretentious pomp and lack of objectivity, or at the very least balance. For example, how many open world games are coming out this year - at least 5. How many zombie games are coming out this year - again at least 5. So to have this attitude that for Sony Bend to be making an open world Zombie game is some kind of relic of gaming's ancient past is utter nonsense. (I'll give them the point that Bend need to make peace with the fact that Days Gone IS A ZOMBIE GAME).

OB1Biker2160d ago (Edited 2160d ago )

I mostly agree (except for the last sentence, as I already told you).
You know what I don't really pay too much attention to gaming journalists 'feelings' since that's what they think their jobs is about. No I note the facts, the information they give more or less willingly and most of all I pay attention to what I see. At least we got loads of facts and footage from GI and that's what I go with

ClanPsi12160d ago

You really shouldn't call them journalists. Writers, sure, but journalists? No, that's way too generous.

ginganinja2159d ago

You say there's at least 5 open world games, 5 zombie games all coming out this year. That's a lot of games. Maybe, just maybe, this one isn't doing enough to make itself stand out from all the others - this article isn't the only one to show it such apathy.

'Gamers' criticise previews for reading too much like promo pieces, then when they don't it's because 'they sent the wrong person' or 'they have a personal agenda'.

ArchangelMike2159d ago

Hold up a second. You agree that there are other open world games and other zombie games coming out this year, but can you appreciate that the criticisms being levelled at Days Gone are not being levelled at those other games that are also in development?

I have mention elsewhere the success of games like Far Cry 5, (which broke sales records), but what did that game really do to "distinguish itself?" Not much at all. As another example, in the lead up to State of Decay 2 you didn't have articles talking about how gamers have open world fatigue or "zombie fatigue", (the same is also true about upcoming games Dead Island 2, Dying Light 2, The Walking Dead, World War Z etc etc), yet nobody is suggesting that these games are redundant, afterall (1) they are sequels, and (2) what will they really do to distinguish themselves?

Days Gone is a new IP that already distinguishes itself in a number of ways. It's just lazy journalism that wants to make illegitimate comparisons, that make disingenious claims like "It's trying to be TLOU" (as if that's a bad thing) I would suggest that if Days Gone is not doing enough to distinguish itself, then the other games mention should get cancelled, because on the face of it, they are doing alot less than what Days Gone has done so far to distinguish itself.

ginganinja2159d ago

Plenty of people criticised Far Cry 5 for being '4 with nobs on' and not doing enough interesting stuff with its subject matter. Plenty of other people enjoyed it for what it was.
Neither's wrong, but if the author here played the demo and couldn't get excited about it, why should he lie? Maybe the ways that Days Gone distinguishes itself aren't that compelling or not fully implemented yet.

ArchangelMike2159d ago

But that is my point. For all the criticism, Far Cry 5 sold huge numbers, so does Call of Duty every year.

However the author starts his article by saying "Actually, to be precise and only a bit mean, it's the quintessential 2015 video game..." He conceeds that he is being "a bit mean." That is an admission of bias, you are no longer being objective but want the reader to allow you a free pass to insert a personal and negative opinion. An then he dives head long into lazy journalism - "In the game, you scavenge and craft, shoot, drive and brawl, follow waypoints and get stuck on tree trunks."

By being fully reductionist in his descriptions he is deliberately negating, and avoids stating what sets the game apart. He doesn't even explain what he means by "..and get stuck on tree trucks..." - a deliberately vague but negative comment. Is this part of the game design? Was it a bug or a feature of the game?

"The Last of Us it isn't, even though The Last of Us is clearly what it wants to be. And State of Decay. And Sons of Anarchy. And DayZ." - Tell me that this is not lazy journalism. Days Gone is trying to be state of Decay? Really? So it has co-op? Also, is there a sons of Anarchy Game that we done know about? When is it releasing? And as far as I know the Day Z game doesn't have a release date, so Days Gone can't be trying to be a game that is not even out yet. As far as TLOU comparisons, I'm now expecting that in Days Gone we'll have clickers and have to escort a young girl to find a cure for the virus right?

Lazy biased journalism at it's finest.

Xavi4K2160d ago ShowReplies(3)
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15 Biggest Unresolved Video Game Cliffhangers We May Never Get Answers To

Cultured Vultures: These 15 unresolved video cliffhangers could be solved in the future, though if we’re really honest with ourselves, we all know there’s no chance in hell of that happening.

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Fluke_Skywalker68d ago (Edited 68d ago )

Never say never, I really didn't expect to ever see Space Marine 2 and 12 years later its almost here.
So there is still hope for all these games.

Chocoburger68d ago

I've completed 5 of the games on the list, but the author forgot to include Advent Rising. It was supposed to be a trilogy, but it bombed hard, and the two sequels never got made. It was Mass Effect, a console generation before Mass Effect.

The game is buggy and unpolished, it needed a few more months of development, but the potential was there. At the end of the game, you have all these super abilities, I remember the stomp attack that created a shockwave being especially powerful.

shinoff218367d ago

I personally think days gone will recieve some sort of sequel at some point. I'm personally also hoping it's not the rumored multiplayer online stuff. I'd think most that enjoyed it would rather thisnto.

Knightofelemia67d ago

Sony needs to dust off Sly Cooper and Days Gone so needs a sequel two of my favorite Sony titles. Bulletstorm I love great game wish it also got a sequel. And I wish Namco would finally give Enslaved a sequel another great game.


Days Gone | Trailer [GOG]

Days Gone is now available DRM-free from GOG

shinoff2183175d ago

Such a fun ass game. I enjoyed it alot more then I thought I would.

ravens52175d ago

We need a part 2 doesn't even have to be Deacon. But I had no problems with him either, he was a dude on a mission.

Cacabunga175d ago

My second favorite PS4 game after RDR2 hands down

neutralgamer1992175d ago

I think with Jim Ryan gone we may get a sequel down the road. It has become a cult classic

andy85175d ago

This was so fun I love the hoards. People need to stick with it because the start is very slow

MrDead175d ago

Has a really good PC port too, I wasn't expecting much from this game but I had a blast. Wish it had a part 2 as the story was building well.

jznrpg175d ago

It does take some time to get some weapons ,skills and a few bike upgrades up to feel like you got a rhythm going but then it really starts to click and the game is a lot of fun

shinoff2183175d ago

I was sad when it ended. I wanted more. I'd have to look but I think that was one of the few games I platinumed to. I only got like 4. I don't go out of my way for trophies though

Abnor_Mal175d ago (Edited 175d ago )

@shinoff same I only have 4 plats and one is Days Gone, and I also don’t go out of my way for platinums.

Was a very fun game and wish there would be a sequel, maybe one day they will come back to it with a different pitch that Sony will approve.

They probably rejected it he sequel because it might not have been the direction they were going for with gaas games and the like.

jznrpg175d ago

@shinioff I had the same feeling when I got the platinum. I need more. Hopefully they make a sequel and leave multiplayer out of it unlike the last pitch for Days Gone2.

got_dam175d ago

The critical reception had Sony relegate Bend to a support studio. Thank God the fans spoke up and Sony reversed that decision.

jznrpg67d ago

They have been working on a game for some time now and have said so

Knightofelemia175d ago

One of my favorite Sony titles too bad there is no sequel.

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Most Detailed Video Games

These are some of the most detailed video games available now. The games contain details regarding the plot or mind-blowing visual effects.

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Hereandthere285d ago

4 PlayStation exclusives, rdr2 and gta 4 and 5. Not one xbox made game.

zachyBROosevelt285d ago

What Xbox game should be on there?

Flewid638285d ago

Quantum Break and Ryse Son of Rome. They're the only 2 Microsoft games I ever enjoyed, probably because they felt like PlayStation games.

MIDGETonSTILTS17285d ago

What Xbox games are missing?

What Xbox games would even be candidates? The OG Xbox version of Chaos Theory?

SullysCigar285d ago

None - I took that as his point. There aren't any xbox games that are contenders for this list.

Abnor_Mal284d ago

“Not one ‘Xbox made’ game.”


Yet people are throwing out games made by third parties that are exclusive to Xbox, which isn’t what the question asked.

MIDGETonSTILTS17284d ago

A simulator that was built for PC first hardly counts….

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 284d ago
MIDGETonSTILTS17285d ago

MGS2’s ice cubes deserved a mention.

ClayRules2012285d ago

Seriously, they melt🤯 that game, ahead of its time.

andy85284d ago

Blew my mind back in 2001 in the bar area, each bottle smashing individuallly when you shot them too. Never seen that before

ClayRules2012285d ago

I’m so glad to see Days Gone get some recognition, because it absolutely is a BEAUTIFUL looking game, and in other times, downright incredible, with its snow forming on the ground over time and the storms coming in with the winds blowing the trees is a sight to behold! I remember at one point I was using photo mode and snapped this photo (I swear) using the filters and other effects the shot I captured looked so realistic, it was remarkable. It was of a leaf 🍁 (others were around it) by this train track and the area was wet from the rain. I captured many others, which turned out fantastic. I’m sure ya’ll captured some fantastic one’s yourselves. Oh, and the horde of freakers 500 coming at you is insane and a sight to see. Wish we could get a sequel, Days Gone deserves it!

Uncharted 4 - Man, that game still blows me away still to this day. ND really captured the adventures of Nate, Elena, Sully and Sam in a way that was not just so stunning to look at, but in a way that EVERY new location, be it in a new area of this specific city, town, jungle, mountain range etc all felt truly living, with life. One of my favorite locations was the old lady’s mansion, such a simple mission, yet so fun, intriguing, sad, and intense all at the same time. And the richness of detail packed into the objects in that mansion is superbly detailed. Anyone notice the couch pillow in Nate and Elena’s house actually mushes down when she rests her arm on it when she’s talking to Nate about him taking the job? ND delivered with best in class character models, yet again. Dirt in nails, I mean🤯 I remember capturing a photo of Nate hanging from a ledge in Madagascar and I snapped a pic, zoomed in, and dirt was in his finger nails, that’s just insane detail. Add on the chest hair blowing in the wind lol.

RDR2 - Masterpiece of a game! In visual details, how this game still looks better than games nowadays (and they don’t even have to be open world) is something else. Fantastic character models, hair/facial hair that grows in real-time, awesome cloud system, NPC characters in the world actually eat their food, cut up their 🥩 among other new details being discovered these almost 5 years later, it’s amazing. Horse testicles. Has me intrigued to see how GTA6 will deliver in comparison to dynamic events etc.

The Last of Us Part 2 - ND took PS4 to its limits with this game. The level of detail in these models is striking, again, best in class, along with the environments. Foliage is phenomenal and doesn’t look like that “cheap” looking video game grass. It’s such a step up in quality. The gore is a visual ummm, I don’t want to say delight, but showcase for depicting how unforgiving that world is. The level of pain, fear and loss on the faces of NPC’s when you take their life in this game as Ellie or Abbie, man I always felt bad about that. And the dogs too… until the dogs came at me, than all bets were off lol. But again, there’s many more details that players who’ve not played this game must see for themselves to appreciate. Motion matching technology to me tho has to be the most impressive thing above even the visuals. Although both compliment each other, playing the game with the tech and the way everything flows so fluidly and smoothly is like playing an E3 demo, each play through feels just that damn good.

Rimeskeem285d ago

Wonder if Sony will give Bend another chance at Days Gone. The game was great, just maybe not the same quality as other PS exclusives. They are on the right track though, for their first new IP since 1999 I would say they should be given a chance to polish in a sequel. I can only imagine the madness of hoards they can make with the PS5. Maybe add a coop mode so that friends can be like a biker gang together and take out giant hordes with each other.

Just seems stupid to not give the IP another chance given it (supposedly) sold extremely well.

jznrpg284d ago

As long as it stays single player I hope they do make a sequel. I really enjoyed Days Gone and It would be a guaranteed purchase from me. I have the collectors unopened for the first game.

StormSnooper284d ago

I wouldn't mind a multiplayer Days Gone. It would have some intense hoard fights for sure! This is from a mainly single player gamer. I would want a single player Days Gone II, with a solid multiplayer mode.

Rimeskeem284d ago

I'm not saying to make it massively multiplayer or PVP, just would be nice to explore and kill hordes with a friend or 2.

1Victor284d ago

@Rimes:”Wonder if Sony will give Bend another chance at Days Gone.”

Personally I would prefer a remastered Warhawk, Starhawk or better jet a new game in the series even if it’s a GAS 😢

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