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"I get orders, I stab people."


CRank: 72Score: 1225930

"Hello, down here!"

I would just like to remind everyone that the pending submissions page doesn't consist solely of the first five stories you see. Stories at the bottom of the page were submitted before those at the top, so the fair thing to do would be to check those for approval first.

You also have the option of changing the order that pending submissions are displayed in from the default "By latest", which shows the newest submissions first, to the second of four(4) options, namely "By oldest" via the drop-down menu in the top-right area of the page, just left of the headline "Pending Content". You can also sort the page "By hottest", which displays the story with the highest temperature first and "By approvals", where those with the highest number of approvals out of five(5) are shown first.

Now, sometimes two articles that are virtually the same can have headlines that are different enough that the site won't warn you that it's already been "Approved" or is already "Pending". This has happened to me numerous times before, so I know how it can catch you off-guard. To lower the chances of it happening, try extracting certain words or small pieces of a sentence (no more than six[6] words) from either the title or the body of the article being submitted and type that in the "Title" textbox. To avoid tedium, do this mainly when 11x2 only warns of few (four or less), or no possible duplicates.

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no_more_heroes4912d ago

Let's get to approving some stories, people!

sokrates4911d ago

Agreed. Sometimes a news got 2,3 or even 4 comments in pending without even 1 approvel.

I think the site is better when the news are coming out soon.

Sahil4912d ago

LOL.. I always start from the bottom.

zico4911d ago (Edited 4911d ago )

Many of us are good to report news,but don`t approve news when you see the story are okay. Why?

Doesn`t everybody want the news to come "out" to the comunity?

Sahil4910d ago

Maybe a "Who Approves the Most Stories" Contest would solve the problem.

no_more_heroes4910d ago (Edited 4910d ago )

Lol that would probably send thing a step too far in the other direction. The limit would have to go back up to ten if they do that.

Sahil4909d ago (Edited 4909d ago )

Ya, I can see people visiting 11x2 just because to win something.

sokrates4908d ago (Edited 4908d ago )

Just read. If you thinks its good, approve. If you disagree, report. If you read and thinks its ok, its just another second to approve it.

Sahil4908d ago

@sokrates: haha... you should start a blog about this.

4902d ago