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August 2013 Winners

I AM SO TIRED AFTER PAX. SO TIRED. But also here's a picture of some cool cosplay I saw. I have been all the busies.

You HAD to make my job hard and submit five blog posts, DIDN'T YOOOOOOU?

But I have chosen my winners, and I thank each and every one of you for entering!

First, onto the easy ones!

CONTRIBUTOR CONTEST: Get that top stuff in the month of August, hot stuff!

1st: $40 Gift Card - jak3y13oy
2nd: $30 Gift Card - no_more_heroes
3rd: $20 Gift Card - Sahil


1st (and only!): $30 Gift Card - neoragex

And finally, the blog contest winners! Thank you to everyone who participated and wrote up a blog post. I really enjoyed reading them, but there were a couple there that I was really impressed by, with the detail they provided and the overall insights into your being! Winners below. :)

1st Place: $50 Gift Card - coolbeans
2nd Place: $35 Gift Card - Football-Soccer
3rd Place: $25 Gift Card - neoragex

Tickets going out in a moment! Overlapping winners will have their earnings bundled in a single ticket! Thank you again, lovelies~

Some Terms and Conditions:
1. Competition is open to all 11x2 users, except for employees of HAVAmedia and immediate relatives. Contests are not limited to the US/NA.
2. In the event of unforeseen circumstances 11x2/HAVAmedia reserves the right to substitute the prizes for alternatives of equal or greater value.
3. Prizes are not transferable.
4. Failure to reply to ticket notification within seven (7) days results in forfeiture of prize.

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Sidology3918d ago

New contest tomorrow after I've slept an appropriate amount, because I am very sleep-deprived and I have to catch a flight in about an hour here.

Assume it's a contributor contest with typical amounts and maybe I'll dream on the plane about a nice spin!

neoragex3917d ago

Congrats everyone, thank you slowest mod ever ;D

coolbeans3917d ago

"You HAD to make my job hard and submit five blog posts, DIDN'T YOOOOOOU?"

It's funny cause the first thing I thought when I saw August contest details and the submitted blogs was "Oh man...guess I'm gonna disrupt the balance." :P

Thanks for the prize and hope everyone enjoyed reading my soccer story.