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Today XTGN is mostly powered by the kids Easter eggs


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Joined 25 Mar 2015 ( 5000d ago )
Last seen 3305d ago
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Birthday 20 Feb (300d left)

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What is XTGN ? Yeah sure, XTGN is a source for all the very latest in video gaming news – but it is so much more. XTGN provides aspiring authors, writers and journalists with a stable platform on which to publish their work. It doesn’t matter what format your work takes (rumour, review, preview, news, opinion or even podcasts) XTGN can provide a soap box for you to shout from. XTGN has dedicated full time staff members who will even handle the layout and publishing of your articles and content, leaving you to simply hammer out your burning missive or indepth, insightful review..