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Brendan Rodgers Under Fire

Brendan Rodgers is under fire after Liverpool's 1-6 trashing trashing from Stoke in the final day of the Premier League Season. Does he deserve the sack?

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saadd203308d ago

#RodgerOut he's gotta go...plain and excuses anymore and lame speeches.

Yi-Long3307d ago

I disagree strongly. I think he's one of the brightest managers in the Premier League.

Big part of the problem was Sturridge being out for most of the season, Balo not performing on the level as was expected from him, either by a lack of form, quality, or simply not fitting in, and Sterling had a dip in form, which is normal for a kid his age.

In midfield, Coutinho occasionally stepped up and performed, but hardly anyone else did. Gerrard has been past his prime for quite some time now.

In short, it was simply a season of important players not being fit, or not being in form.

With Suarez gone, and his replacement failing completely, I'm not sure if you can shift all the blame onto Rodgers.

Obviously, today's game was simply given away, with defenders and the GK just dropping the ball in front of the opposing attackers, and just completely neglecting any defensive duties whatsoever. If your players are going to play like that, which shouldn't even be acceptable at amateur-level, then what can the manager do, except sack those players and fine/sell better ones...!?

saadd203307d ago

When you have 75 million pounds in your pocket and Champions League, you can attract better players. What was BR smoking when he signed Balotelli. Lallana, Markovic and Moreno, they were all average at best and far from their potential. Lallana's World Cup campaign proved he wasn't good enough. Arsene Wenger had an injury-sticken squad but Sanchez saved their season. Welbeck played for Giroud if you remember. No excuses for BR. The players did not step up frankly because they were not good enough. Gerrard was managed badly, his contract delays and his frustration was valid. You dont treat club legends like this. Tactically, BR was not always on song. last season it was Suarez who got this team running and the club played to his strengths. If we had even as good as a replacement..someone like Sanchez or Reus..then we would have had a better season. A marquee signing makes a big difference.

djslapdash3307d ago (Edited 3307d ago )

Other teams relied on certain players as well.

chelsea, without hazard and costa, would be nowhere near the title.

Man City without aguero

Man Utd without De Gea

OzzY-waZZy3306d ago (Edited 3306d ago )

No offense mate but liverpool just doesn't attract top players. But to your point, they could do a little better than those players you mentioned.

KingPin3307d ago

getting into the champions league once after a few years does not mean you will immediately sign big name players. teams have to consistently qualify for the champions league in order to sign the players you thinking of.

as for BR, i think he has to go now and give someone else a chance. he had his time and didnt win much trophies with all the spending he did. he had a fair chance to prove himself IMO. although i have a feeling the board might give him one more season to prove himself.

saadd203307d ago

I agree with you for the most part. However, you could do a lot better with 75 million pounds. I dont understand the Remy transfer. Chelsea had no issues with his medical but Liverpool did. We missed out on Sanchez. Buying Southampton was not enough. BR clearly lost it when it came to transfers. Instead of pursuing big name signings, he paid money for Balotelli 16 million for a player who isnt even worth 5 million imo. Regardless, I still think the money could have been better spent.

xX_Altair_Xx3307d ago (Edited 3307d ago )

Loving it!!! After the rubbish Utd fans had to put up from this lot last year, it's almost poetic! Haha. #BodgersIsAFootballGenuis

Pogmathoin3307d ago

In all fairness, Man U fans have been in everyone's face for years. Even when Chelsea and Man City win, your lot whine on about the money.... and now you celebrate 4th, your new goal.... that's poetry in motion.....

xX_Altair_Xx3307d ago

You wont find Utd fans putting up statues of opposition managers outside their stadiums (a la Moyes), or brandishing a huge banner ('Moyes is a football genius'), or starting a campaign to make sure their loser manager isnt sacked (again, like Moyes). Face it, Liverpool fans loved every minute of last year and went OTT - they didnt think for a moment that they would be back where they started. 4th isnt our new goal, just a climb back to the inevitable title win - we wont wait 10 years like the Arse.

Linwelin3307d ago

Lets be honest here. You done really well this season and for the most part deserved 4th place. I do wonder how you will survive playing all those extra games, and most likely without the man that put you there to boot! as i cant see De Gea staying at United when Real come a calling.

At least now we can concentrate on getting back into the CL like your team did, what with not having to play any extra games an all.

Stringerbell3307d ago

'Liverpool fans loved every minute of last year'

You are mistaken, everyone loved that implosion.

Pogmathoin3307d ago

Thats right Altair, as you prove, Man U fans are devoid of humour..... Man U will not challenge for top two for many years to come.... You know it....

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