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FC Porto Forced to Celebrate Title In Darkness as Benfica Get Petty

This is amusing. FC Porto won the Portuguese title on the weekend, well done to them, they did so without losing a game and a win at arch rivals Benfica set the party starting however the home side decided that they would ruin their fun by turning off the floodlights and switching on the sprinklers, which is a little petty if you ask me. If anything the sprinklers just made the party even more fun, everyone knows that sprinklers make any party better! Spotted on the excellent Who Ate All The Pies.

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zinedine4918d ago

This is just sad, they shouldn't be so disrespectful.

lukie1224918d ago

To me it lookes like their having quite a time! : )

Sahil4918d ago

come on, they have won the title, a little celebration is fine ..haha

hendrikmaster4918d ago (Edited 4918d ago )

they are just upset they couldnt beat the porto that hasn't lost a single game.

lukie1224918d ago

benfica are sad they would want to celebrate too if they won.

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