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Palermo owner apologizes to fans for latest manager flip-flop

After just four matches in charge and a crushing 4-0 derby loss to Catania, bulldog lookalike Serse Cosmi was sacked by Palermo owner Maurizio "The Manager-Eater" Zamparini and replaced with the man he replaced a month ago, Delio Rossi. And in a rare moment of clarity, the man who went through 17 managers in nine years of owning Venezia and 12 more since buying Palermo in 2002 apologized to the fans for going against their petition and sacking Rossi in the first place.

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lukie1224917d ago

Well he had to cosmi sucked.

Sahil4916d ago

The Manager-eater.. lol, that is scary :)

GJ234916d ago

Thats stupid. Not gonna have a good atmosphere if everyone is worried about their job

lukie1224916d ago

Totally agree every manager would be scared and will feel under pressure...