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Kenyan Chelsea fan dies minutes after Manchester United score the first goal at Old Trafford

A 21-year old woman described by family members as ‘a staunch Chelsea supporter’ died on the way to hospital after fainting just minutes after Manchester United striker Javier Hernandez scored the first goal in yesterday's Champions League quarter finals clash between the Red Devils and The Blues.

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nieuwland144808d ago (Edited 4808d ago )

This is sad, to see how people can be so let down by their football team. RIP

Sahil4807d ago

Why people why, it's just another match, just another game.

Corepred44807d ago

At 21 years old it had to be something else. At that young it'd be absurd if she really did die over a match.

GJ234806d ago (Edited 4806d ago )

Yeah i agree, definately must have been something wrong with her heart already.

Sahil4806d ago

Hmmm.. true, she can't possibly have any kind of attack or something..

GJ234806d ago

Shame she didnt get to see the other two goals. RIP

Sahil4806d ago

Football's not the one to be blamed for this.