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Barcelona Demand Astronomical £178m Fee From Chelsea For Spanish Star

Barcelona have rejected a £27million bid for striker David Villa from Chelsea.

The Catalan giants told Spanish media a Blues official formally contacted sporting director Andobni Zubizarreta last week to table their offer.

Barca immediately told the West London club their 29-year-old was not up for sale and informed Chelsea his buyout clause was an astronomical £178million.

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nieuwland144755d ago

if barca want to sign him they shouldn't go around saying he costs 178!!!

Sahil4755d ago

Now they can buy 5 fabregas.. problem solved :D


In 5 years time £178m is gona be seen as a good deal for top class players.

Anderson84755d ago

i doubt it.. theres only so much a market can inflate before it starts to go back down.. and with these new fair play / spending rules uefa are implimenting i think player prices and wages will freeze or go down


Yeah I think you're right especially with the fair play rules but player prices are at a ridiculous high amount and they don't look like there going to stop anytime soon, there have even been reports of some players nearing the £300,000 a week salary.

leomessi104755d ago

We're not going to sell Villa.. he's a top-class player.

mastiffchild4755d ago

Bt if you were it wouldn't be for much more than Chelsea supposedly offered. Barca aren't saying they will only sell if Chelsea or whoever(and who would for a 29 year old striker these days-even one as good as Villa?)meet the buyout they're either just wanting more cash(everyone has a price at every club, trust me)for something(or someone) or plain don';t see a reason to sell at all. I'm tempted to think they're just seeing what they can get for him, try and get a couple of teams competing(after all why tell anyone Chelsea bid at all?)for Villa.

Either way I can't see anyone going a lot higher than Chelsea have purely on his age(30million plus would be a lot for a striker around 30 already)so he'll probably be at Barca for a few good years yet-unless, naturally Citeh go bonkers.

Anderson84755d ago

i thought the same about ibrahimovich...

krazykombatant4755d ago

Lol caughtofside, anyways i personally don't think that Villa is worth that much money.

RedDevils4754d ago

I heard this from Mirrorfootball, mostly full sh** but yeah even Messi is not worth that much lol

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