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Cesc says sorry to Gunners fans

The Gunners captain returned to Barca after eight years in North London on Monday, ending months of speculation over his future.

He has penned a five-year contract with the Catalan giants, with the deal believed to be worth £35million.

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Yi-Long4683d ago

... he did very well for Arsenal, played for many years and gave his all...

... and now he wants to move on and hopefully win some prizes with another club.

I know some 'club-supporters' will see it as some kind of 'betrayal' or whatever, but they need to get a bit more mature and realistic about these issues.

buddymagoo4683d ago

He loved Arsenal so much he paid to leave.

mastiffchild4683d ago

Aaaand, spent upwards of the past two years engineering his move back to a club which, basically, he SHOULD have been wound up at for undervaluing him to begin with.

He owes Arsenal fans quite a bit, if you ask me. He was a great player for them but the last two years his form was so up and down it's untrue and, from outside, I often wondered where his heart really was. He wasn't the Cesc of earlier years who we all admired as a player, that's for sure. Wenger gave the guy so much leeway and developed him VERY well but the Catalan urge was always taking him home.

With Xavi's bad tendon I think L'Arse have been scalped pricewise and would have held out for a bit more.

jack_burt0n4683d ago

mastiff is spot on he was great as long as we were not playing against barca lol which shows he was using arsenal as a stepping stone, glad he is gone tho, good luck to him.

no_more_heroes4683d ago (Edited 4683d ago )

I want to believe what he's saying, but I just can't. It's just really difficult. You see, I have a VERY hard time trusting anything that people say or do under even normal circumstances, and there was nothing normal about this saga.

When you're used to living with fake, extremely conditional people, you get used to looking past their facades and seeing their true intentions. You do it so much, you can't even tell what's sincere anymore.

But I guess I have to try. He deserves it. So all I will say is Thank You, son, and Good Luck.

mastiffchild4683d ago

I guess you have to just remember the great performances because if you try and understand what went on off the field for the last two years you definitely won't give Cesc the appreciation his football, at least, deserved. We, in our house, were NEVER so annoyed by a player's attitude than when another Arsenal player moved to Barca-anyone else feel sick remembering Hleb sticking his tongue down the badges throat at his medical? Horrible-glad he flopped there after such a show of fakeness!

sokrates4683d ago

"Sorry". This must be a joke.

Infernostew4683d ago

I'm sure he's sorry he kissed that Barca badge too.