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Did David Villa wind up Mesut Ozil by insulting Islam?

The following quote has been attributed to Mesut Ozil on various internet sites (including – but now removed) and on Twitter today: “I did this because I was defending my religion because David Villa insulted Islam.”

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FootballZilla4782d ago

1st if he said something that offended his religion then that fu*ked up..
2nd why is Alexis Sanches smilling on the background

HxCGamer4782d ago

this is wicked fd up

ive never seen ozil act like this, so i believe it. He seemed legimately mad and hurt...

although madrid might act up on what truly happens on the field... i truly feel like barca instigates it and plays it off as nothing...

its seriously messed up

jak3y13oy4781d ago

Sanchez always wanted to have a front row seat to one of these brawls, and he's enjoying the entertainment :)

on another note,

If Villa did say any racial comments to any religion then its out of order, and I do not blame Ozil to retaliate, anyone would of.

Sahil4782d ago

I don't think he's on twitter.

Sahil4782d ago

"The following quote has been attributed to Mesut Ozil on various internet sites and on Twitter today"

koehler834781d ago

Attributed to him on Twitter... by other people.

Sahil4781d ago

Yes he is but he didn't say anything on FB.

FootballZilla4781d ago (Edited 4781d ago )

ahh ok then i dont know then.

RGB4781d ago

So Marcelo was getting racial abuse at the Camp Nou and Ozil was getting religious abuse at the Camp Nou!

So Barcelona hate anyone who isn't white and a christian!

The club goes to whole new lows!

TruthBTold4781d ago

You said this yesterday. You never sent a video showing this. All you sent was what some manchester players were saying about barca faking. Or are you just trying to stir things up? Is there a link to ozils tweet btw? Or are others just saying he said this?

RGB4781d ago

No I asked you to watch the match again! Stop trying to defend the undefendable!

"Hook this up with the racist chanting directed at Marcelo"


"And yet all I’ve heard about today is ‘Mourinho, Mourinho, Mourinho’. And yet the one thing that I dreaded hearing about, but that needs to be denounced -the racist chants sang at Marcelo and Pepe during the match- has been neatly swept under the carpet. Definitely a match that left me a bittersweet taste."

Danteh4781d ago

LOL excuse me? and the racist chants against Alves at the Bernabeu? Unfortunately this is quite common in Spain (I live here) but from BOTH sides. Don't be so hypocritical

TruthBTold4781d ago (Edited 4781d ago )

Um you do know that alvez was also being attacked with racial slurs at madrid right? But it should only be brought up once it happens to madrid players. Both teams have fans that will say stupid things,so if you will mention it for one team make sure you don't forget the other. Do we have any audio of this? Or is this some rumor to stir things up. Nothing like proof.

That's being a hypocrite. You speak as if madrid are saints. I'm not saying barca has never dived but that's about all you have. Talk about racist fans when madrid stops doing it as well so its stupid to only mention barcas crowd without mentioning madrid. I did watch the game and everything was fine between both teams until your three players, pepe, marcelo and ramos start with their uncalled for plays out of bitterness for loosing. And the madrid coach's actions are just icing on the cake, yeah, that really made madrid look even better.

Sahil4781d ago

"Ozil was getting religious abuse at the Camp Nou!"

I'm not a barca fan but If villa would've pulled something like that, It wud've been all over the spanish media and TV.

Nes_Daze4781d ago (Edited 4781d ago )

I guess that wasn't sarcasm. Can't believe some people agree with that stupid comment. I love how Real Madrid tackle Barca players immediately when they start losing their dominance on the field, and when Barca players dive to counter their dirty cheap tactics, barca becomes the bad guys. Forget about the fans, marcelo's tackle was uncalled for, ozil acting like that was uncalled for, mourinho attacking a barca coach was also uncalled for, Real madrid shows once again that they play pathetic football, and their fans support that atrocity.

Theo11304781d ago

and the irony is that they were sporting UNICEF before, true vanguards for multiculturalism

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Sahil4781d ago

"neither Piqué or Masche seemed to be clear on other concepts, such as ‘clearing the ball’ or ’stopping rival forwards’"

Is this guy for real, Mascherano was class yesterday, It was the best of him.

kane_lfc4781d ago

Macherano was the best player on the bench or atleast in the top 3

FootballZilla4781d ago

yh mascherano was good and i dont usually like him as a cb

Theo11304781d ago

I thought eric abidal was one of the best players, he had di maria in his back pocket. and alves had CR7 in his pocket too.

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