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Leeds fan given four month sentence for assaulting Sheffield Wednesday keeper Chris Kirkland

Aaron Cawley, 21, from Cheltenham, pleaded guilty to assault and invading the pitch during Sheffield Wednesday's home match against Leeds United on Friday night

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karim4352d ago

Hmmm, he claims he was too drunk and is deeply apologetic. I don't know what to believe, still feel the sentence was right

Thefreeman0124351d ago

doesnt matter if he was drunk, people need to take responsibility for their actions. if someone just got a free pass for doing something stupid then everyone would blame booze when they do something stupid... 4 months is a good sentence

jony_dols4350d ago

The funny thing is that if average Joe happens to get severely assaulted by a drunken lout on any given weekend, the assaulter probably won't get anything more than a slap on the wrist & a night in the cell.

Double standards piss me off.

jak3y13oy4352d ago

i hope he drops the soap...

crazyturkey4351d ago

Should have been banned for life from every football stadium in England.

Beeeaans4351d ago

He's been banned from football stadiums before, then broke his ban twice.. He's an absolute idiot and 4 months is more than justified, especially when he was bragging about it on his Facebook afterwards

pompombrum4351d ago

bloody hell, they sure fast tracked this sentencing. Clearly thugs who deserve to be behind bars need to assault professional footballers more often.. clean up our streets in no time!

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