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Police arrest 15-year-old boy for alleged racist tweet to Manchester United defender Rio Ferdinand

Goal - Greater Manchester Police have confirmed the youngster has been apprehended and bailed on suspicion of a racially-aggravated public order offense following Sunday's match.

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silvacrest4193d ago

the parents must have got him on that hate train nice and early

hkgamer4193d ago

so more of out tax money is spent wasting it on arresting a 15 yr old. Everyone knows the charges won't stick so what is the point.

It's a fucking tweet. if you search the internet then they would probably find 20% of the people use racially discriminative words.

however those hooligans/fans who are throwing things at players should get arrested, it is dangerous and could ruin players careers which is worth millions.

Corepred44193d ago

Lol I don't get this? I guess there are different laws than the U.S. since when is it against the law to be racist?! Better erase 90% of everybody on Xbox and ps3 then! Lol

Infernostew4193d ago (Edited 4193d ago )

Racial abuse is a punishable crime in England. If it were that way in the US, the whole southeast would be a prison.

KingPin4192d ago

so if i called you the n-word on PSN you'll be ok and wont call the cops on me. but if i called you a n-word via twitter/facebook its punishable.

i dont see the difference.

if i were to put something racist here, is it punishable in real life? besides bubbling down, will i get a visit from the cops? yes? no? if no, how is this different to twitter?

Infernostew4192d ago

I live in the US so I'm not entirely sure how it works but I'm guessing as long as it's reported and there's a log of it then it doesn't matter whether it's on twitter or a message board. I'm also assuming that both parties have to be from England for this to be a case. Without looking it up, I'm guessing it'll only result in a finable offense or at the most probation. It's a pretty messy law and seems real hard to prove (especially in xbox or psn voice chat) so a log on twitter, facebook or message boards seem to be the only cyber offense besides verbal contact with witnesses or recordings. This is really the only conclusion I can come to without really knowing much about the actual law but I don't really see the point.