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karim4297d ago

Disgraceful and depressing performance..Only Luiz cared today

goku323594297d ago

Didn't see the game, but I keep hearing the team didn't care. Also, why was Cahill straight red carded? I see people complaining about that, but seeing as I have no idea what happened, I can't judge.

karim4296d ago

Heard he kicked a player but there was no replay shown on TV..The only one who cared today was David Luiz (who was in tears after the game)

big_dom_returns4296d ago

No one cared because that's what you get when your owner starts sacking managers left and right and you've a bunch of mercenaries playing for you. Yet instead of protesting against the owner (don't bite the hand that feeds you) your lot protest against a manager who hadn't even managed a single game and continue to protest. Pathetic, clueless and classless are three words that spring to mind regarding Chelsea's fanbase. You won't protest against Roman, why? Because without him, Chelsea FC would be fuck all. Catch 22, eh? What a club.

karim4296d ago

Before you start with your big mouth..We protested about Rafa Benitez's appointment..We ALL love Roberto and all wanted him to stay, Benitez has a history of bad mouthing Chelsea fans and now we should just accept he's our manager, while forgetting everything he said about us before (and he didn't even apologize)..Roman wasn't the only one who made the decision, Ron Gourlay and Bruce Buck also had a hand in RDM's sacking, everyone knows the influence they have on Roman..Roman and the board WERE wrong in sacking Benitez and I hope they were all watching the game seeing how clueless and tactically shit Rafa was in that game

goku323594297d ago

Saw this comment posted online, and I completely agree with it.

"What i learned is that Chelsea should stay away from European and International tournaments until we get our team straight.

So far we have failed to outplay a top team in months. i think years. Before our Champions league triumph I knew Barcelona , Bayern , Real Madrid fans who would probably be nervous facing a team with the likes of Drogba , Terry , Lampard , Anelka , now they just laugh us off and need assistant in getting of the floor for laughing too hard.

The loss stings no doubt though if the Likes of Barcelona in 2006 and Liverpool lost in 2005 then it's not something that can be left to be mocked.

However Chelsea needs to realize that until they can work cohesively as a unit , Start to form some type of play that the club can associate with then we should not be playing in competitions that are not domestic.

It may seem a bit drastic but i'm honestly tired of watching Chelsea fail to do anything significant for sixty minutes including Long Balls to players who are not Drogba , Torres messing up chances , Mikel , Ramires getting dispossessed in the middle and Cole doing idiotic flicks which leads to the opposition getting the ball back.

I would hope so time out from the Champions league would grant us an opportunity to reinforce our squad so next time we could be going toe to toe with the Top teams of Europe and around the world."

asmith23064296d ago

Judging by current affairs, they won't be in them for long anyway :)

buddymagoo4296d ago

Would have loved to see Di Matteo win this cup but I'm happy Rafa has lost it. He didn't deserve to win it twice with clubs that he has just took over.

crazyturkey4296d ago

No matter the result, this break was something Chelsea needed from the EPL. Of course a new striker is still a necessity.

LuizHZanetti4296d ago

The Allmight! Vai Corinthians!

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