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Manchester United bigger than England, says Rio Ferdinand

The 34-year-old says that after he made his move to Old Trafford from Leeds back in 2002, he discovered there is greater interest in the Red Devils than in the national team

Manchester United defender Rio Ferdinand claims that the club is bigger than the England national team.

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karim4244d ago

Talk about patriotism

buddymagoo4243d ago (Edited 4243d ago )

Why would he lie and say the opposite. e's just saying what everyone already knows.

Every Englishman knows England are a waste of time. (can't help but watch though)

p_bateman4243d ago

I think most people put there club teams before the national team especially in england because they suck, they are years behind, spain, italy, germany in terms of talent and technique.

KingPin4242d ago

i agree with you. but thats mostly the clubs fault.
i said this before....if you look at the leagues you mentioned (spain, germany, etc) the ratio of home grown players to import is like 80:20 or 70:30 whereas in england its the other way around. the imports are outnumbering the home grown players 70:30.

with stats like that its hard to get england competitive. if you look at spain, germany etc, when it comes time to choose a player for a certain position, they have a plethora of choices (5 or 6 choices at least). England has 1 or 2. English clubs need to start focusing on home grown talent if they plan to come up in world football. but you get clubs like chelsea and man city who don't believe in bringing up youth players. and then theres arsenal who raises all foreign youth players. its lose lose.

stellios19844243d ago

Its because they don't care about playing for England is the reason behind England being crap. Its not like they didn't have the talent over the last 10 years or so.

silvacrest4243d ago

i doubt that's the only reason and i doubt what you said even applies to half of the team

the truth is england just suck when it comes to performing on the big stage

Ninjamonkey824242d ago

Try being from Northern Ireland I put my Grandmother before the national team :D.