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Was Nani red card justified ?

The Manchester United midfielder was sent off in the second half against Real Madrid for a high challenge on Arbeloa, but did the tackle warrant a straight red card? Have your say!

Real Madrid came for a goal down to earn a 2-1 win and knock Manchester United out of the Champions League by three goals to two on aggregate.

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Lvl_up_gamer4216d ago


in any other league game that would have been a justified red card but because this game had two big teams playing in a great game that the fans loved watching, suddenly the rules should change and dangerous plays with intent to injure no longer should be red carded.

The ref made the right call. The person you people should be upset with is Nani jumping in the air with his cleats out kicking players in the chest. If he didn't do that stupid play, then there wouldn't have been an issue.

Prophet1124216d ago

If it was a red card for Nani, then it should of been a red card for Lopez punching Vidic in the face which IMO was more dangerous.

RGB4216d ago (Edited 4216d ago )

1st video! Slowed and analysed b4

Skip to 0:47 seconds! Nani looks at the running Arbeloa for a split-second!

2nd video at real time! 0Y

Edit* Something ITV wouldn't show, they never showed this angle before the actually challenge!

SadeckJaffal4217d ago

yes definitly he deserve a red card.
first of all he didn't even touch the ball , and he kicked arbeloa on purpose that was obvious
What is he thinkin its kung fou out there !!

jak3y13oy4217d ago

at most a yellow,

he didnt know arbeloa was there and had his eye on the ball to bring it down and arbeloa ran into him...

krazykombatant4217d ago

Yellow at most in the premier league not the premier league is it?????

buddymagoo4217d ago (Edited 4217d ago )

It's not even a yellow card in the Premier League. And only a yellow in the world cup.

ProjectVulcan4217d ago (Edited 4217d ago )

Fifa law 12, fouls and misconduct, states: "A player is guilty of serious foul play if he uses excessive force or brutality against an opponent when challenging for the ball when it is in play." It clarifies: "Excessive force means that the player has far exceeded the necessary use of force and is in danger of injuring his opponent."

Nani's actions simply don't fall in line with this law. It was a fifty fifty ball and not even a tackle or challenge.

If you think it was a red, you are probably a bit thick.

Current, Ex-pros and refs that thought the decision was incorrect:

Dermot Gallagher
Mike Phelan
David Moyes
Alan McInally
Gary Lineker
Gary Neville
Dietmar Hamann
Lou Macari
Joey Barton
Paddy Crerand
Lee Dixon
Gareth Southgate
Bryan Robson
Michael Owen
Steve Mcmanaman

Xabi Alonso and Mourinho are both rather noncomittal on condemning Nani, I would imagine that many of Madrid's players were rather surprised as well. Ozil certainly looked it!

Unfortunately only one man's opinion counted, Cuneyt Cakir.

RGB4216d ago b4

and 0Y

Now tell me he didn't see Arbeloa!

RGB4216d ago

Too bad FIFA and UEFA disagree and support the referee's decision! No one is bigger than the law of the game and both bodies see the law was carried out correctly!

You can list any pro or ex-pro you want. Funnily enough, all played in England and most have paid jobs in England now! Integrity seems misplaced I feel!

The law is the law, get over it! You had one decision go against you and you feel cheated. United wouldn't know the meaning of cheated compared to your opponents over the years.

You have the right to feel disappointed and nothing more!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4216d ago
wantedboys4217d ago

what about this pic nobody is talking about!!!

Infernostew4217d ago (Edited 4217d ago )

First of all, there's nothing Rafael can do about it hitting his hand when he's less than a yard away. Should it have been a penalty? Yes. But then Ramos' two handballs and his challenge on Evra should have been PKs as well. We can go tit for tat on no calls, the red is what changed the game.

DangerousDAN4216d ago

Putting your hands out and wide like that is illegal and can actually be worthy of a red card as well since it stops a clear chance at goal. Also, Evra tried to kick the ball and missed and hit Ramos instead. He later resorted to falling down, asking for a foul.

After Nani's red card, ManU players dedicated their time to acting like victims with every other play. Example: Carrick getting a yellow card for protesting that there was a PK when the ball hit Khedira in the arms, which he held behind him and pressed up against his body which is legal (unlike the Rafael situation).
ManU played embarrassingly defensive in both games and it made me lose respect for them. They can complain about Nani all they want, but the Gods of football rewarded the braver.

Prophet1124216d ago

I thought Ramos blocking off Raphael towards the end of the match was a definite penalty.

asmith23064217d ago (Edited 4217d ago )

It was a harsh red after seeing the replay but in real time I thought it was reckless which is what the officials seen. High foot and studs up. The ref's don't have the luxury of replays. Get over it. No one seems to blame the defense for conceding two in a few minutes. They could have held out if they were good enough. Madrid aren't exactly the best side, especially away from home. They have been terrible in La Liga this season by their standards.

Utd and PL teams in general are so arrogant. When Arsenal go out of the CL that will be all the PL teams out. So we have the English Euro champs out, the PL champs out, the soon to be PL champs out and Arsenal; all before the quarters. The PL has the best teams I hear fanboys say?? Whatever.

FlunkinMonkey4217d ago

So which variety of 'Fan boy' are you then? You obviously have a preference.

asmith23064216d ago

No actually I don't. I just like the PL, I don't support anyone in particular.

KingPin4217d ago

simple answer, NO!!
maybe a yellow card at most but nothing more.

normally for bad tackles the opposing team would protest to the ref and make card gestures for a card to be given.

here, everyone was calm waiting for the game to go on. there were no ill-feelings between the two teams/players

the red card just came out of nowhere.

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