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'Fat Ronaldo' says Real Madrid shut the mouth of disrespectful Alex Ferguson

Sir Alex Ferguson was asked during his pre-match press conference which Ronaldo was better and referred to the Brazilian as the 'Fatter Ronaldo' and this has angered him a great deal. He's quoted by AS in Spain as saying his mouth has now been shut and he hopes Ferguson's team loses their matches forevermore.

"Real Madrid closed his mouth for me. It was disrespectful. A professional of many years, one of England's Sirs, should not have such disrespect. Not elegant.

"I have no words for this man, only to lead a team who always loses."

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SadeckJaffal4215d ago

I totally agree with this legend i mean everyone respect sir very much so he should do the same.
and before that match he said that he is not worried and other thing , but at last he lost...

buddymagoo4214d ago

Is he not fat? Is fat a taboo word? Are fat people are too sensitive hear the truth?

Would there be this much outrage if Sir Alex said "tall Ronaldo" or "Short Ronaldo"??

XTGamers4214d ago

That's not even the issue here, he's fat because he suffers from a medical condition called Hypothyroidism.

So yeah, people should be more careful with what they say

buddymagoo4214d ago


I suffer from it myself and my father eventually had to have surgery to remove his thyroid because of it. So I understand the difficulties it causes but with the right medication your weight is easily controllable.

pandehz4214d ago (Edited 4214d ago )

Its not about the truth or not.

Its about decency, respect and human civilised behaviour. We are in 2013 after all.

If ppl start pointing out truths at each other this world would be very very unpleasant to live in.

For eg:

Hey thats big headed Joe
Small penis Dick Anders
Ugly face Lloyd

etc etc

buddymagoo4214d ago (Edited 4214d ago )


We already do that in England.

"how's it going fat dave"
"wassup skinny pete"
"Hey, Johnny one ball!"
"You alright stinky stan?"

Sometimes their name doesn't eve come into it

"where you going horseface?"
"Oh no it's the vulture"
"We going down the pub mophead?"

I just think people need to stop being so sensitive.

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Diffraction_Fos4215d ago

I agree. He should have more respect. He is knighted FFS, but he sometimes talk like a common hobo, and in front of the media no less.

Maybe it's the old age and the pressure of the impending game, but it still is no excuse to be disrespectful towards somebody just because they're past their best years.

Nes_Daze4215d ago

Mou and Fergie can be very disrespectful to other clubs, I agree with the "legendary" Ronaldo..-_-

Ninjamonkey824215d ago ShowReplies(2)
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