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no_more_heroes4423d ago (Edited 4423d ago )

Well, that was a very rusty performance. Didn't even learn anything new; Sunderland did nothing but defend so I don't know anything about Arsenal's defense.

Like I said before though, It's only the first game, so I won't make any judgements yet. Hopefully it's just a matter of building chemistry, because some of the passing was very off.

crazyturkey4423d ago (Edited 4423d ago )

Arsenal were good in midfield. Arteta, Cazorla and Diaby bossed the midfield. Oddly that I think Diaby was the best player on the pitch, If he could just get his head straight and hopefully stay injury free he can take Song's place. On the defense the team did just fine. Just need more work with the strikers. Gervinho was the best one out there but he needs to make better decisions, Walcott needs to get in the game more often and both Podolski and Giroud need more playing to gel...........It was weird seeing the Starting line up with Gervinho, Podolski and Walcott upfront. I would have preferred Giroud to start as the point man on this one.

buddymagoo4422d ago

Did RVP leave because of the money or because he couldn't see any Arsenal success in the future? I think both!

freeduck4422d ago

You enjoy rubbing salt in another man's wounds don't you..

Just wait a couple of seasons for Fergie to retire, Utd will be screwed

buddymagoo4422d ago

You have to rub salt in the wound to stop it from becoming gangrene.