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'The truth hurts' - Pepe defends 'theatrical' comments

The Real Madrid and Portugal defender has stood by his belief that the Blaugrana went down easily when tackled in last weekend’s Clasico which finished 2-2 at Camp Nou

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karim4306d ago

He doesn't have to defend his comments, we all know some antics by Barcelona players

no_more_heroes4306d ago

The excuse is that its done so as to avoid/lessen the impact of what would otherwise be leg breaking/serious-injury-causin g tackles.

Still don't think that's an excuse for them to throw themselves to the ground, though. Hurdle the challenge and continue. If you do fall, get right back up.

I'm honestly surprised that more players don't try this. Given that diving is so expected nowadays, staying up and continuing on might actually catch some defenses off guard.