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Why don't Chelsea buy someone better than John Obi Mikel?

TalkSPORT - Chelsea have started this year in cracking form, dropping two points in the Premier League after eight games, so it's difficult to pick holes in their side. Unless you look closely, that is.

John Obi Mikel, their Nigerian midfield enforcer, is preventing a world class defensive midfielder from making the Blues an even better prospect. He's the weak link in a team otherwise brimming with players of real quality.

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karim4290d ago

I don't think this 'Journo' know what Mikel's job is plus before editing the article, he called him a "box to box midfielder". Clueless

buddymagoo4290d ago

Obi Mikel is one of them players like Carrick that is seriously misunderstood by their fans and critics. They do a very important job and would be sorely missed if they weren't in the team. I always find people who call these type of players rubbish don't understand football.

Busquets up until recently was a player like them that was slated but is essential for linking the defence to midfield and being that second man in the tackle waiting to pick up the lose balls.

karim4290d ago

Agreed, according to people, if footballers don't score/assist, they're rubbish. Mikel's role is quite defensive and sometimes he starts attacks, his finishing is quite awful I must admit but his passing, crossing, vision and dribbling (Yes, dribling!) are top notch, indispensable player at Chelsea just like Carrick is at United like you said.

hkgamer4289d ago

Chelsea should copy what Alex Ferguson does for Manchester United. Instead of overspending on footballers, use that money and buy referees instead. Clearly Fergie's tactics has been working so far.