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Evans loses rape conviction appeal

Former Wales striker Ched Evans has lost a challenge against his conviction for rape.

Evans had his case rejected by three judges at the Court of Appeal in London.

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karim4280d ago

What a despicable creature he is, how can anyone rape someone? The thought of it just makes me sick.

crazyturkey4280d ago

Rape is wrong.....unless you are a republican or so I've heard. As for this case how did he get convicted and not the other guy? Did he have sex with her at the same time as this other guy? Also he should have known better than to have sex with a completely drunk woman.

karim4279d ago

Why was she with a guy and drank like that? I guess she's a ho anyway, just wanted to make money when she knew those guys are Footballers.

pixelsword4279d ago

Even if she was a ho, that doesn't give anyone the right to rape her.

PaPa-Slam4279d ago

Pathetic. I'd like to see his career come to an end.

pixelsword4279d ago

I'd like to see Bubba give him his "welcome to the neighborhood" gift basket d*ck in a box.

zeddy4279d ago

we dont know the full story here, the girl could have been drunk off her tits, literally.