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Highlights: Arsenal 1-0 Swansea ( FA Cup 16/01/2013 )

[1-0] Jack Wilshere - 86'

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karim4209d ago

Great to see Wilshere scoring, one of the most loyal and dedicated player in the EPL, deserved the goal.

buddymagoo4209d ago (Edited 4209d ago )

We'll see how dedicated he is in 5 years time. RVP, Fabregas and Vieira was dedicated for a while.

I think the most loyal and dedicated players in the EPL are Giggs, Scholes, Gerrard, Terry and Carragher. Wilshere has a long way to go!

buddymagoo4208d ago

And he used to be a West Ham fan when he was a kid

SadeckJaffal4209d ago

Jack did just that: bailed out Arsenal from their misery :P
he's for sure the man of the match and the goal he scored was pretty awesome.

no_more_heroes4209d ago

I actually completely forgot about this match. Remembered in the morning, but then a series of events in the afternoon got me pissed and I just...forgot. Too consumed by my rage lol!

Reading that they didn't play too badly in the second half, which is nice for once.

crazyturkey4209d ago (Edited 4209d ago )

I couldn't make it home on time today so I missed it too. I'm glad the result was favorable, though at the same time I wished for less games unless new players come in soon. I hope I manage to watch the Sunday game vs Chelsea.

chukamachine4209d ago

Arsenal played well all game.

But wenger still needs to go, he just doesn't have a clue at times, brining on a player in the 80th min, when our game was screaming for chamberlain, rosicky to come on.
They fanny about with the ball too much infront of goal.

As for giroud, he isn't good enough, mertesacker is lacking.

Needs a goal getter, and another defender.

Blackdeath_6634208d ago (Edited 4208d ago )

Arsenal fans need to Be careful what they wish for. wenger will leave eventually but at the moment he is the only one preventing the club from falling to pieces removing wenger at this current point in time will only cause the club to fall deeper. arsenal's win wasn't entirely convincing, they were wasteful in front of goal.

imtiyaz64208d ago

It's as if they think after sacking Wenger, we'll automatically start splashing big money on players like Falcao and Cavani. It'll not happen, not until the current board is still in control of the club. The only reason we had quality players like Fabregas and van Persie in the first place with such a tight budget was because of Wenger. It's because of him we still have the likes of Wilshere and Cazorla in the team.

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