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Messi condemned for 'partying with oppressors' in Gabon

The Argentine has "undermined the credibility of his own charitable foundation" by showing support to Ali Bongo's regime, according to the HRF.

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Stringerbell3183d ago

I agree here. You are a celebrity and your presence means something I get that. BUT check into just who exactly is hosting you, especially when money is involved.

Reminds me of Beyonce, back in 2008 she was payed by Moammar Gadhafi (you know that POS dictator) to give a private concert too. Get a clue, find out if your host is a tyrant who oppresses their people. If they are and you still choose to go, then dont be surprised when the court of public opinion wags their finger.

Qrphe3182d ago

I wholeheartedly agree with you. You can't claim ignorance when you're in a position that's exemplary to so many and what you do, what you say, and who you know all carries with you as public figure. I know many will want to claim that X celebrity has the legal freedoms of speech and association, which isn't wrong in itself, but they don't have the rights to keep their jobs/position/image regardless of their actions.