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Soccer Ref In Argentina Murdered On The Field By Player He Red-Carded

César Flores was refereeing an amateur soccer match in the Córdoba province of Argentina when he sent one player off. In anger, the player left the field to get something from his bag. A short time later, the player returned to the field with a gun and shot the ref to death.

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Stringerbell3082d ago

The violence in Argentina football is unparalleled. There has been more than 70 killings related to hooliganism since 2000. Not to mention the countless beatings, and small scale riots that occur between fans and police, fans and fans, and players vs players.

All of this obviously has crippled many of the prominent teams in the country. Parents dont want their children coming up in a system that walks side by side with such mayhem. When the opportunity comes via a European club calling, they tend to take it without hesitation. And why wouldn't they, who wants their kid playing in league where there is such violence?

Fortunately there are people standing up to this craziness 'Salvemos al Futbol' is an Argentine organization thats trying its best eliminate violence from the sport, and its gaining traction in the country.

blackblades3081d ago

Morons, go to prison or banned from the game for life over something stupid.

soul-assassin-3082d ago

pathetic sport....full of drama queens & bad sportsmanship.

3082d ago Replies(3)
ChrisW3081d ago

It's not a pathetic sport, but there are a good number of bad players. I recall one of my teachers in High school, who also reffed adult soccer, had his nose bit off by a player who didn't like his call.

FlyingFoxy3081d ago

I wouldn't call it pathetic as such, but football/soccer is well known for violence, at least from some idiotic fans in the stadium. So it does kinda attract the wrong kind of people. You never hear about stuff like this with other sports like tennis etc.

TheSaint3081d ago

No, tennis has never had players being stabbed on court.....

*cough*Monica Seles*cough*

sonicwrecks3078d ago

Doesn't like football.

Reads items on a aggregator for football stories.

Yup. That makes sense.

soul-assassin-3078d ago

@Nez_Daze. Im english, rugby is a man's sport.

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Nes_Daze3079d ago

I don't know where these kids are getting the idea that the most popular sport in the world attracts the most violence, could be they never learned the terms "generalization" or correlation is not equal to causation. Never seen a riot after a hockey game? Never seen a batter charge a pitcher with a bat? Real football can include matches between nations, unlike American football, nobody would care enough to play against the U.S.