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La Liga: Mino Raiola tells Lionel Messi to leave Barcelona

Transfer news - Agent Mino Raiola has some advice for five-time Ballon d'Or winner Lionel Messi: Leave Barcelona to prove your greatness.

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KingPin2521d ago

loyalty is when you stay with your club through the bad times too not run away when the good times are over. (ask buffon what its like playing in serie B)
if messi leaves now his barca legacy will be left in ruins because right now, messi staying is what barca needs.
messi leaving now will just show that he cant play with a sub-par team around him.

Sahil2521d ago

Personally, dont think he's ever going to leave Barca.

KingPin2521d ago

i dont think he will leave either but i never thought neymar would ever leave barca.
i mean there was never any bad blood between any of them, he never even hinted through it all that he would be leaving. but look what happened anyways. so as impossible as it seems, there is that 1% chance.

but yeah, messi owes his entire career to barca which is why i think he wont leave, well that and the fact that this is like an annual story until he signs a new contract anyways.