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donb5248d ago

Wants to see him naked? I guess nobody in Buenos Aires. I am really sure Maradona never should be a manager.

karim5248d ago

he knows that he will not win the world cup so he made an impossible promise

Maradona5248d ago

I think there is no big favourites in this world cup. Therefor i think that Argentina has a fair chance. And Armando must take his clothes of:)

sokrates5248d ago

Maradona is a playboy- Always been. He would love to dress off!

karim5248d ago

lol @ sokrates you're 100 % right.I bubbled you for your funny coment :)

zico5248d ago

I think Argentina have the easiest group in the world cup, playing agianst Nigeria, Korea repubic and Greece. After that everyting can happend. Maybe all the way to the top?