I would love to do what you are saying, but please remember not evrybody has an oportunity to do what you are saying. I prefere the couch than no world cup. Heard about kids? and wifes working? Unfortently they dont dissapair during the world cup:(
1 month, evry 4th year. Just plan it, and you will be free. Take the dishes some months before, buy flowers, send them to paradise place with 5 stars hotel. This is something you cant miss!
a lot of cool games. June will be a good month.
yeah. Just find the couch and be ready in front of the tv.
The WC is made to watch in public parks, bars and with a lot of people. Its a whole month of football party. Cant watch it from the couch!!!
Give me a 4 (or more) beers and a pizza.....This is gonna be a great summer!